2: pottery

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"here's your schedule. have a good day!" the office lady waved him off and the brunette left the office, looking down at the paper before looking for the hallway he had to go to for first period.

being a new student wasn't new to tyler. the Joseph's moved almost every year due to their jobs. his parent's both used to be English teachers who taught in different countries, but tyler's mother quit that job and recently found a job as a counselor in washington.

it was only his first day and tyler was already late. why? because he decided to smoke some weed at three in the morning, forgetting that he had school to attend, and sleeping in.

his high had worn off as walked down the 800 hallway, stopping in front of the class that had a sign that read 803; turner. he knocked on the door to his first period class; pottery with Mr. Turner.

he didn't know why he had to take this class. he already had all of his fine arts credits and didn't see the point in having to take more fine arts classes. maybe it would look good on his transcript. frankly, he didn't really care.

no one answered the door and so he was obliged to knock again. in a matter of seconds, a girl that seemed to be younger than him opened the door without even looking at him. he stood at the front of the room for a few seconds before he saw the teacher and walked towards him.

he felt a few pairs of eyes on him, but he didn't mind it. he had walked in while everyone was busy with some sort of project. some had stopped once he walked in, but continued once they saw who entered the room.

the brunette was used to having a good amount of attention turned towards him. he knew the moment people saw him they'd form an opinion on him. maybe it was because he was attractive. or maybe because he was always the "new kid". but tyler likes to think that it's because he's attractive.

he wasn't this bad person that some people had painted him to be. sure, he's gotten expelled when he was in 8th grade for bringing weed and smoking it at school. but who cares? that's not him anymore. he's (typically) better than that.

"hey, tyler right?" the teacher, mr. turner, was leaning against the counter with a small grin on his face. dried clay clung to the faded blue jeans he was wearing. tyler made eye contact before smiling and saying hello. he had a soft british accent that sounded slightly americanized.

"im mr. turner," he continued. "the pottery and stained glass teacher. tell me, why were you tardy on your first day?" he asked before cutting tyler off. "actually, nevermind that. we're moving tyler."

"yes, sir," tyler nodded and followed the teacher.

mr turner lead tyler to a table in the back, informing him the basics of the class and the three rules that he had: you're responsible for your own mess, no complaining if you get clay on your nice clothes, help the person(s) sitting next to you if you can.

"this is hayley," the teacher said, pointing at a girl with blond hair pulled up into a bun. she was making a sculpture of what looked to be a dog, but the head was a bit lopsided and the head to body ratio was off. tyler make a note to not comment about it.

hayley looked up and made eye contact with tyler. her lips curled up into a welcoming smile and she said hello.

by the time mr turner finished telling him what he needed to know about pottery, the class was nearly over and people began to put away their supplies. tyler looked over at the students, trying to get a good glimpse at the people in his class. everyone seemed to have a friend or buddy. except that girl the teacher has introduced him to. she was the only one not packing up, despite there seemingly only being a few minutes left in the class. no, her focus was on the snout of that dog with the awfully large head.

tyler could use a blunt right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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