Six || Inexperienced Werewolf

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The sight of the Werewolf added to the panic that had scattered throughout the village, Van Helsing casting the canine creature a quick glance of disapproval before going about with trying to kill the three Vampire brides that had swooped in from the grey sky. Shade watched Van Helsing disappear around the corner with his crossbow before tackling Carl out of the way of one of the Vampires. The two landed with a thud, the Werewolf taking most of the impact so that the friar would not be harmed.

" you Shade.." Carl stammered as the two stood, Shade shaking dirt and twigs from her smooth coat before replying with a short huff of air.

Wasting little time, the wolf scanned her surroundings, eyes zooming in on the Vampire that was making a beeline towards an unsuspecting Van Helsing who had his back towards the nightarish creature. A savage snarl ripped from the wolfs maul, her taunt muscles propelling her forward as she raced to meet the other creature halway. Running up the statue close by, the werewolf waited until she reached the top before using her back legs to launch herself into the air, tackling the Vampire through a wall of one of the homes. The two creatures landed in a heap on the floor, a family screaming at the sight, running to a more safer room just at the Werewolf used its spear like teeth to tear into the wings of the creature beneath her, resulting in the Vampire clawing the Werewolf across the face.

Whimpering, Shade was forced to let go, momentarily blinded by the injury, allowing time for the Vampire to escape the clutches of the Werewolf. Blood dripped from the wound, becoming matted in the fur of the muzzle of the she-wolf as she used her one good eye to help her out of the building. The sight she was greeted with was the sight of Anna straddling Van Helsing due to both being dropped by one of the Vampires which made Shade's heart clench painfully in her chest. Turning away, the wolf focused on the job at hand, even though she was slightly at a disadvantage with her damaged eye.

"Shade! Watch out!" Carl shouted towards the Werewolf.

Shade turned to look towards the young male which was her first mistake, a force slamming into her side and throwing the Werewolf through another wall, this time with a piece of unhinged and damaged wood piercing her leg as she landed. She gave a howl of pain, feeling the pain shoot through her viens. the one problem with her Werewolf form was that she always felt weak. Mustering up all the strength she could, Shade lifted herself off the piece of wood, limping out of the home with a growl of pain and annoyance. It clearly had been a while since she properly fought in her werewolf form.

The sun had come up now so the wolf was able to take a small break as some of the villagers began to slowly come out of their homes to see if the coast was clear. They still side stepped around the Werewolf as it made its way to the centre of the village, Carl helping her by cleaning Shade's eye with some holy water. It did allow her to be able to open the eye but it still needed proper cleaning later on. Even if the sun was up, Shade could still feel the presence of the Vampires, her fur bristling as she looked around growling. Taking note of Shade's behaviour and a noise coming from the well, Van Helsing moved to look down the well to see if the Vampires had used the darkness to hide in.

Just as the sun began to set, Shade launched towards the well, colliding with a Vampire just as it burst from the depths of the well. focusing on speed rather than strength, the she-wolf was ready this time, dodging attacks from the wings and claws of the Vampire, only ducking in close to be able to land a single hit before leaping out of the way again. A scream stole the focus of the Werewolf, a small child left stranded in the swarm of people as another of the Vampires closed in. A swirl of energy swirled in Shade's chest until it became a dull ache in her lungs until she released it with a roar, a wave of sound knocking her current enemy away. Now free, Shade ignored the pain of her leg, sliding through the mud to take the child into her arms. Once she had a hold of the child, she jumped out of the way of the second Vampire, landing close to the church just as Van Helsing shot the third Vampire with holy water covered arrows.

Nothing was more satisfying than watching a vampire crumble away to ash while screaming and Shade was more than happy to watch but she did cover the eyes of the child she had so that the little girl would not be able to witness such a sight.

"Marishka!" The unholy scream of the two other Vampires as they flew away had the Werewolf cringing as the sound echoed through her sensitive ears.

Bu the fight wasn't over yet, it seems that the death of Marishka had angered the villagers who now surrounded the Shade, Carl and Van Helsing as they moed back to the centre of the village. The Werewolf was far too tired to listen to the angry cried of the villagers, snarling only once when one went to poke her with a rake.

"Mommy!" The young girl cried from the arms of the Werewolf that was still holding her protectively.

Shade let out a soft noise, moving through the many villagers that seperated as she made her way to the mother of the child, handing the young girl back to the cowering woman. That didn't stop the wolf from affectionatley nuzzling the young girl before heading back to Van Helsing and Carl, only now changing back.

"They are going to let us stay, Anna has offered us beds to sleep in." Carl whispered to Shade as she approached.

"Oh yay, a place they can smother me in my sleep." She replied sarcastically to her friend, glaring at Anna.

Van Helsing soon joined the two as they went to collect the horse, pulling Shade aside to look her over. His eyes held an emotion she could not quite place but the one emotion she could see was anger.

"What were you thinking? You could have been killed!"

"I though that maybe I could...." Shade began to try and explain herself but was cut off by Van Helsing.

"Thought what? That we....I wouldn't care if...." He took a deep breath, making the female smile.

Shade took a step forward, wrapping her arms around him, ignoring the pain of her wounds.

"I know that I don't have much experience with fighting as a wolf but I promise that I will be fine Van forget that I have something worth fighting for."

With a sigh, Van Helsing finally let his arms embrace the young werewolf, allowing himself to be comforted by her.

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