Two || Shade The Great Hunter

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Two people were looking at a wanted poster of a man and a girl. The first person had long blue hair and bright ice blue eyes. She wore a leather jacket that stopped above her belly button, a white tank top that also stopped above her belly button, leather trousers and a pair of knee high leather boots. She had weapons strapped to her back, waist and legs. The other person was a man with black shoulder length hair and brown eyes. The man wore a black wide brimmed hat, a black t-shirt, black trousers, black boots and a black cloak. He had weapons hidden beneath his cloak along with the weapons strapped to his waist.
"They always make me look like a troll," The girl said as she ripped the poster down.
"You always look like that Shade," The man said as he re-adjusted his hat.
"Shut up Van Helsing," Shade growled.
A scream suddenly ripped through the silence of the night causing Shade and Van Helsing to look towards the bell tower, Shade sighed.
"Another monster in Paris.....great," Shade muttered sarcastically. "See you there."
Shade speed towards the source of the scream while Van Helsing got on his horse and chased after her.

The two hunters stopped in front of the bell tower where a young girl lay dead among the wet cobbles, her beautiful white gown was stained with blood. Shade got on one knee and put her fist to the floor in a bow while Van Helsing removed his hat and put it to his heart.
"Let your soul forever dance among the clouds of our Lords kingdom above," Shade prayed before a murderous laugh entered her ears, she looked up just in time to see a monster called Dr.Jekyll climbing up the bell tower. Shade growls and turns to Van Helsing with a angered look.
"Let's go get that bastard."
Van Helsing nodded his head and followed Shade to the bell tower. The two hunters made their way up the stairs of the bell tower, the floor boards creaking under their feet, they reach a large wooden door and push it open. Shade and Van Helsing walk silently to the middle of the bell room, the bell gleams in the moonlight that shines through a window on the far side of the room. The crescent moon reflected off of Shade's skin, creating small silver swirls to glisten across her pale skin.
"Shade find our target," Van Helsing ordered.
Shade sniffed the air, catching the scent of death and chemicals. Dr. Jekyll suddenly appeared in front of Shade causing her to jump backwards with a growl, Dr.Jekyll was hanging from the wooden beams that held up the roof of the bell tower.
"Hello beautiful," Dr. Jekyll laughed.
"Rot in hell you diabolical freak of nature," Shade spat as Van Helsing walked to her side.
"We missed you in London," Van Helsing said to Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll laughed and jumped in front of Shade and Van Helsing, he had a cigar hanging from the side of his mouth.
"No, you bloody did not. You got me good," Dr. Jekyll replied as he flexed his arm, revealing a hole made by Van Helsing's gun and a set of bite marks made by Shade. Shade smirked and her eyes flashed dark blue.
"Your lucky I didn't aim for your throat," Shade growled, Van Helsing stepped towards Dr. Jekyll.
"Dr. Jekyll, you are wanted by the knights of the holy order..." Van Helsing began.
"It's Mr. Hyde now," Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde said.
"...For the murder of 12 men, 6 women, 4...." Van Helsing continued but he was cut off by Mr. Hyde.
"Children, three goats and a rather nasty massacre of poultry," Mr. Hyde laughed. "So you must be the great Van Helsing and Nightshade."
"The one and only," Van Helsing said.
"Just Shade and your a deranged psychopath," Shade replied with a glare.
Mr. Hyde puts his cigar out with his tongue ad then eats it, he blows the excess smoke into Shade and Van Helsing's faces.
"We all have our little problems," Mr. Hyde sneered.
"Our superiors would like us to take you back alive so that they may extricate with your better half," Van Helsing announced, Mr. Hyde grabbed Van Helsing's hat and putting on his head.
"I bet they bloody would," Mr. Hyde spat, Shade turned to face Mr. Hyde with a small growl.
"Personally we'd like to kill you and call it a day," Shade started.
"But let's make it your decision shall we?" Van Helsing asked.
"Let's do," Mr. Hyde said before he smashed Van Helsing into the wall on the far side of the room.
Shade leapt onto Mr. Hyde's shoulder and bit him, Mr. Hyde growled in pain before grabbing Shade and throwing her into the back wall. Shade landed on a piece of loose wood, she screamed in pain as it pierced her side. Shade took deep breathes before yanking the wood from her side, the wound immediately started to heal. Shade's finger nails elongated as she ran at Mr. Hyde, Mr. Hyde dodged Shade and ran into the shadows while Van Helsing shot at him. Mr. Hyde's laughter sounded through the darkness.
"Here I come...ready or not!" Mr. Hyde reappeared and charged at Shade and Van Helsing who were standing in front of the bell, a double sided katana appeared in Shade's right hand just before she cut of Mr. Hyde's left arm while Van Helsing cut his stomach. Mr. Hyde shrieked in pain before he ran into the bell.
"The bells!" Mr. Hyde screamed as he covered his ears.
Shade smirked but quickly frowned when Mr. Hyde ripped the bell from the pillar and slammed it over Shade and Van Helsing. Van Helsing grabbed a small blade saw and cut a circle into the floor before climbing to the top of the bell while Shade jumped through the hole in the floor. Mr. Hyde picked up the bell and a look of confusion spread across his face, Van Helsing grabbed his hat before dropping onto Mr. Hyde's head and cutting the back of his neck. Mr. Hyde dropped the bell just as Shade came bursting through the floorboards with an inhuman snarl, Van Helsing landed on the floor as Mr. Hyde stumbled around in pain.
"I bet that's upsetting," Van Helsing stated as he caught site of the arm that Shade had cut off earlier. Mr. Hyde growled and picked up Shade and Van Helsing, he threw the two hunters through the roof. Van Helsing landed on top of Shade who grunted in pain, Mr. Hyde jumped through the hole made by the hunters.
"Ahhh! Paris!" Mr. Hyde said as he picked up the hunters again and held them over the edge of the bell tower roof. "I think you'll find the view over here rather spectacular. It's been a pleasure knowing you, Au revoir!" Mr. Hyde said before throwing the hunters off the roof, Shade elongated her claws and stabbed them into the stone wall of the bell tower while Van Helsing used a grapple gun. The metal tip of the rope pierced Mr. Hyde's chest as Van Helsing landed safely on the ground.
"Oh no, no, no, no," Mr. Hyde said frantically as he looked down at Van Helsing.
Van Helsing pulled roughly on the rope causing Mr. Hyde to lurch forward but Mr. Hyde put his foot out to stop him from falling off the roof, Mr. Hyde smirked and grabbed the rope.
"My turn," Mr. Hyde exclaimed as he ran across the roof causing Van Helsing to shoot into the air and pass Shade who was using her claws to climb up the bell tower. Mr. Hyde tripped over the edge of the balcony that was on the opposite side of where he threw Shade and Van Helsing, the rope in his chest caused him to crash through a window and swing through the hall of the church. Shade reached the top of the tower at the same time as Van Helsing, they both watched as Mr. Hyde crashed through Rose Window that was over 600 years old. As Mr. Hyde fell towards the ground, he turned back into Dr. Jekyll and let out a scream that was cut off as his body roughly slammed against the ground below.
"May he rest in peace," Shade and Van Helsing said as they did a religious cross sign across they chest. A large crowd had gathered around Dr. Jekyll's body, one of the villagers, an old man, looked up to the top of the bell tower and caught site of Shade and Van Helsing.
"Van Helsing, Nightshade,you murderers!" The villager shouted.
Shade's eyes turned electric blue as she lifted her hands to her mouth, she made a cup like structure with her hands and let out a mournful howl that was more inhuman then any monster on Earth. The howl stretched all over Europe and caught the ears of three people, Velkan Valerious, Anna Valerious and Count Dracula.

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