All of that aside, she happens to quietly like both of them. They're not brash or cocky, opting instead to keep to themselves and assess situations before becoming involved. She's got no doubt that they're smarter than other kids their age, they talk more eloquently than multiple adults she's aware of, and they have that kind of aura about them. They just seem intelligent.

Then there's the fact that Gianna can dance. In a few ways, she reminds the assassin of her younger self, whether that's comforting or disturbing. Natasha knows enough about dance to understand that Gia has incredible technique and musicality, especially for a five year old. It's unnatural, but mesmerising.

She wants to know whether the girl can move the same way on ice, as well as how she fares in comparison to kids of a similar age. Additionally, her brother's performance will determine whether the athletics are genetic or something else.

The team sit through the female soloist round, Gianna is competing only in the duet section this time, probably to do with the recent (arguably traumatic) ordeal that's twisted her life a little.

In all honesty, they'd find it relaxing if it weren't for the fact that every five minutes or so a kid stacks it onto the ice. Steve is appalled at the relentless laughter from his team, Sam and Clint practically pissing themselves each time another one goes down. Even Natasha is hiding a smirk. Tony and Pepper are focused only on the small redheads at the side of the rink, oblivious to the disapproving looks from parents who's kids just nosedived into a pile of limbs.

The twins look nervous. Giovanni's leg bounces up and down, tapping out a staccato rhythm. He's not interacting with the rest of the team at this point, dazed in his own little world. His fingers dance nervously across the arms of the seat he's perched on; he looks even smaller than usual. 

Gia is sat on the floor with Peter, their hands interlocked - a familiar sight to the other competitors. They're tracking the other skaters on the ice with cautious eyes, sizing up competition and whispering notes to each other. Both are bouncing uneasily.

Geo hugs Gia tightly before he steps onto the ice. 

Tony's heart is in his throat, he isn't sure why he's so nervous but he is. Ben and May seem more confident in the boy's abilities, cheering his name as he glides into position and grinning in his direction.

He's miles above the rest of the kids in his age category. Sure, he's clearly a five year old, but a very talented five year old. May's previous comments about him being a natural definitely ring true, his athletic and artistic ability far surpassing that of a normal child. He manages to make it through the whole routine without falling over, which is more than can be said for the other kids.

Before they know it, the soloist rounds are through and the last duet is about to perform.

"Reigning champions, Gianna-Grace Bell and Peter Parker".

They appear much more confident as they enter the ice, skating steadily into the middle and turning a semi-circle into their first positions. There are shouts of encouragement from all around the room, indicating that they're well-known amongst the figure skaters and their parents. It doesn't surprise Tony, both of the children strike him as the kind who charm people easily. They've got that shy smile and innocent babbling that warms people immediately. Anyone not warmed by their undeniable glow could be considered inhuman. 

In the first few notes it becomes clear to the Avengers that Gianna-Grace lives up to her second name both off and on the ice. That, and her and Peter either spend their whole lives training together or were designed to be dance partners (the correct answer is both).

They sail through the routine as though they've rehearsed it a million times (they probably have), making every turn and trick seem simple. They're synchronised and smooth, pretty much bringing the music to life with their tiny limbs that they have so much control over. It's almost terrifying. 

The only thing that changes when they skate back to solid ground are the beaming grins on their faces, radiating pride and excitement. 

And when they're called back onto the ice to stand on the podium, their smiles are utterly unmatched. It might not be the first time they've won a competition, but they never get over the exhilaration. 

Omg sorry it's been so long! I'm so overwhelmed and exhausted with our shitty education system that I can't seem to find time to upload. I'll try my best to make it more regular but I can't promise anything haha. Hope you enjoyed this?? It's kind of just a filler chapter, to make the transition into the more dramatic stuff seem smoother.

Arwen xxx

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