A moment later, Breanna rolled over, and stood up.  Still avoiding looking at Hannah, she walked over to her bed, and lied down on it.  Hannah stood up, and made her way to her own bed. Hannah sat down, feeling uneasy as she did her best to avoid looking towards her roommate.  Unsure of how Breanna really felt, or what was going through her mind.  She would be happy even just being friends.  But she was certainly starting to entertain the idea of becoming more.

       A couple minutes passed.  "How long until your next class?" Breanna said, breaking the silence. "I still have over two hours. What about you?" Hannah responded as calmly as she could manage, trying not to show how nervous she felt. "Same here. Do you want to get food?" "Yeah!" Hannah said with a little more excitement than she intended.  The two grabbed their bags, and made their way to the cafe for lunch.

       The two arrived at the cafe, where they each quickly grabbed their food and found a place to sit.  Hannah sat awkwardly, hoping Breanna would attempt to start the conversation.  During their meals, the two made eye contact a couple times, but not a word was said.  Hannah had finished eating just a moment before Breanna, and had just begun to pull out a book, when Breanna finally spoke up.  "So..my..issues don't bother you?" "No, Breanna.  Not at all." Hannah said with a soft smile on her face, as she shook her head.  Breanna gave a hesitant smile in return. "Thanks. Trusting people has never been easy for me...so I'm sorry if I seem worried all the time."  "Hey I get it, people can be cruel sometimes.  Not trusting most people is probably a good call.  But everybody needs at least one person they can talk to."  "I guess I'll get back to you on that, after I get used to it." Breanna's smile grew a little bigger, as she talked.

       The two decided to head back to their room, and relax until they each had to go to their next class.  They talked a bit more throughout the day.  Hannah described her family to Breanna. She has one older sister, and no brothers. Her parents are still married, but both work a lot, so they don't really spend a lot of time together as a family.  She loved to play soccer when she was younger, even though she was never very good.  She has two good friends, but hasn't seen them too much since summer. Overall Hannah had a pretty happy life so far. Breanna didn't share as much, but she did say that she's lived with her aunt since she was a little girl. She described her childhood as "okay", and said most of her time was spent reading books, and watching tv.

       The time came for them to each go to their next class.  Hannah was a little disappointed, because she was really enjoying her time with Breanna, and was pretty sure Breanna felt similarly.  However she knew she had to go, as that was the main reason she was even there.  

       Hannah's class was principles of design and color.  Another class she felt was easy, but it seemed to drag on forever.  It's not that she wasn't interested, but the first day of class had been spent going over a lot of basics, that she was already familiar with.  It took long enough, but her class finally ended, and she eagerly made her way back to the dorm room.

       Hannah arrived at the dorm room before Breanna once again.  This time she decided to sit at her desk and browse Netflix on her laptop, while she waited.  Nothing seemed to peak her interest, but she did have an idea for dinner.  It was then that Breanna entered the room, with an exhausted look on her face.  "Hey Breanna! Everything okay?"  "Yeah, i'm just tired.  My creative writing class seems harder than I thought it would be." Breanna responded, fighting through a yawn to finish her sentence.  "I'm sure you'll do fine. But hey do you want to have a pizza delivered for dinner?  We can watch Netflix on my laptop while we eat." "Yeah, that sounds good. I was thinking about skipping dinner, because I didn't feel like walking down to the cafe, but this is better."

       The two decided to get one medium pepperoni pizza, and a 2 liter of soda.  It was Hannah's idea, so she offered to pay, but Breanna insisted on splitting it.  With the pizza ordered next they looked through Netflix for something to watch.  "What kind of show do you want to watch?" Hannah asked.  Breanna's exhausted state caused her to be less cautious with her words. "Lets watch cartoons!" "Cartoons?" Hannah responded with a slight chuckle. "Yeah, I love cartoons."  "Okay, how about Spongebob?" Hannah said still smiling.  "Perfect!"

       The two lied down on Breanna's bed, to watch the cartoon, and had just made it through one episode, when the pizza finally arrived.  The girls began eating their pizza, although Breanna was too tired to eat much.  "Do you want me to move off of your bed, so you can sleep?" Hannah asked.  "You don't have to..but can you poor me a cup of that pop?" "Sure, maybe the caffeine will keep you awake a bit longer." Hannah said, as she poured a small amount into a disposable cup for Breanna, and a larger amount for herself.

       A few episodes later, the two were done eating what they could and were closer to turning in for the night. Breanna especially was on the edge of falling asleep. She was lying down with her eyes closed.  If she wasn't talking you wouldn't know she was awake.  Hannah was at least sitting up, still on Breanna's bed, dreading having to put her laptop away before moving to her own bed. On top of that now she needed to pee. "Ugh, I need to go to the bathroom. I wish we had one in our room." Hannah said sluggishly. "Hmmp I do."  Breanna responded with a slight smile, and her eyes still closed. Hannah squinted back at her, almost with a hint of jealousy. "Funny." "You can borrow one." Hearing this, Hannah grew bright red, as she had for a second considered it.  "I'll pass, but thanks." She said, as she mustered the strength to stand up. "Okay, good night." "Good night Breanna."

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