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"we will get our son ok?" Taehyung said as he cupped the younger's fluffy cheeks earning a nod from Jungkook

"alright let's go" His hands traveled down to the younger one's, he squeezed it tightly

And they disappeared in thin air, only arriving at Chungwha's place

Both have fell on thier butts on the hard pavement floor, Jungkook groaned as Taehyung got up swiping his butt same as Jungkook

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand and drag him to the door, Taehyung knocked twice

Any moment the door opened seeing, a pale girl, dark red lips probably a lipstick, cat eyes with black orbs, perfect body, black shiny hair falling down her shoulders, and she was wearing her red dress that reacher in her mid–thigh which compliments her skin tone and her curves

Jungkook know that he have seen this girl somewhere, he just didn't know where

The brunette tilts his head and face in confusion, he was trying hard to remember who she is

"oh dear look at your face!" the girl said, and now Jungkook remembers everything

She was the girl who said to ran away from the forest, he didn't know why he was there actually, and right now he was feeling deja vu

"you? You are Chungwha right?" Jungkook asked, earning a gasp from her "oh yeah right how did you know?" she asked arching her brows

"he read's mind's. Now will you let us in?" Taehyung asked arching up his brow

"oh yeah sure" Chungwha opened the door a little bit wide to let the two enter

As the two enter Jungkook was greeted by a strong perfume smell and its itching his nose a bit

Taehyung drags him to the sofa as the both of them sits down

"alright why are you here?" Chungwha asked "do you know where Jeonghan is?" Taehyung asked back

"all I know is he is in the forest" Chungwha replied "where?" Taehyung asked, he need full details

"oh near the North I didn't know the exact location but I know its somewhere in the north" Chungwha answered giving him a small smile as taehyung nods

"we need to go thanks for the information by the way" Taehyung winks before the two stands up

"oh no problem" Chungwha said as she giggles

"bye Chungwha see you next time" that was taehyung's last words as the two of them walked out of the house going to the north


Your mather just updated :) school works is just stressing me so much so yeah :) but I hope to update more :)))) Bye

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