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Jungkook opened the door seeing Jin on the couch "hey Hyung" he greeted somehow catched the older's attention so he craned his head to the door seeing the younger

He ran to him and hugged him tightly "oh my god I missed you so much kookie!" Jin exlaimed

Jungkook can't breath so he tapped the older's back signaling him to broke the hug so he did

"welcome back Jin Hyung!" Jungkook smiled showing his bunny teeth

"aww your so cute!" Jin cooed and pinched the younger's cheek

"stop it hyung" Jungkook whined and Jin stopped noticing purple marks ober his neck making him gasp

"what happened?" Jungkook asked confused, knitting both of his eyebrows "someone stole kookie's V-card!" Jin exlaimed as he laugh , Jungkook eyes widened and gasped as he slapped the older



"Jeon Jungkook stop!!"


As soon as they calmed down they both sat down on the couches "spill Kookie" Jin smirked

Then Jungkook told him everything in details, "why are you even here hyung?" Jungkook aksed "so you don't want me to be here?" Jin asked "no no not like that I tought you guys are stuck in Philippines for 5 years...its just 3 years" Jungkook said

"well me and my boyfriend  graduated early since we are outstanding and we are here to live back again" Jin answered, Jungkook nods at his step brother

"alright let me cook you some food....I bet you only ate instant ramen" Jin said ending it with a chuckle

"yeah I do" he said rubbing his nape

After 20 minutes of being impatient he walked into the kitchen and was greeted by a foul smell "geez what the heck Jin hyung what smell is that?!" Jungkook asked annoyed by the smell "huh?" Jin asked confused

"ewww your cook smells so bad!" Jungkook scrunched his nose in disgust

"oh my god Jungkook its your favourite why would it smell bad?!" Jin asked turning off the stove

"just ju–aish! I don't like it!" he yelled and he walks away stomping, he walks into his room and slammed the door shut leaving confused Jin downstairs

"what the heck is wrong with him?" Jin asked confused as he walked to the living room and started chilling by the means of chilling talking to his boyfriend


Triple update!! This is so boring :'(

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