Chapter one

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Your POV
I watched.


So, so cold.

I winced as a errant twig scratched its way down my cheek, leaving a bloody scratch on it.


I hurried to wipe the crimson away, but it was too late.

The dogs had caught me...

I heard them snarling and snapping below my perch on a oak tree on the outskirts of town. They were vicious Rottweilers, only capable of tearing into flesh now.

I snugged my way further into my hoodie before taking a leap from the top of the tree to the other, unusually quiet.

The dogs wailed below as the realised that there was to be no food tonight.

Their prey had escaped.


Shuddering at the man's touch, I shrugged his hand off of my shoulder. It landed on the wooden surface of the bar with a thud, making the intoxicated man wince.

He slurred out some weird shit before attempting to grope me again.

This time, I emptied my cup of hard whiskey onto the bar before discreetly lighting a match, throwing it onto the bar and then leaving the place.

I smiled in gratification as I felt the heat of the massive bonfire flare up behind me, warming me up. I'd never liked the cold anyway...

But why? I thought as I mounted my black Harley Davidson. I throttled it before accelerating onto the highway and scattering the noob drivers.

It was to be a fun night- or so I thought.

Ha lol have fun...

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