Funny Moments with Pb.

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This is something new I'm doing o-o So I MIGHT be crappy at it but you can still read it! :D Its called 'Funny Moments with Pb'. I'm going to write jokes, make up phrases be random. My phrases and jokes will be made by me so don't panic. Some of the characters from different movies like Frozen, Tangled, How to Train your Dragon etc. You can write in the comments below if you want me to add some of the characters from your film, series etc. So I'm gonna be starting now..... well not like now-

Jack: Pb they get it!

I know I know I'm just making sure.

Jack: Well stawp.

Awwww D; Oh and just to remind you, I'm still continuing 'The Life of Slender and his brothers' and 'Changed Fate' :3


Jack: Why do you keep saying that?


Elsa: O_O

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