Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

" I do, Jared, it's just-" Leah stopped. She didn't know what to say. He was going to know. "Please."

Jared instantly grabbed her head between his hands, and Leah gasped, but tried to retrieve it. She allowed Jared to shove her head around as he placed the blindfold over her eyes. Leah was greeted with darkness, and Jared let out a huff.

" That was your fault. You made me do it for you," he said, trying to remind Leah she  was the problem; Leah understood it was part of their brainwashing.

Leah heard the engine start, and Jared spoke again. " Don't be afraid. The drive isn't that long anyway."


About half an hour later, Jared and Leah arrived. Jared stayed silent the entire drive, and the truck didn't even have a radio to drown out the awkwardness.

Leah noticed a farm beside them. It was large- much larger than the one they currently lived in, but it's brick was old and worn out. Leah instantly noticed the place needed work, without even stepping inside.

Jared pulled the blind fold from her eyes without informing her first, and she jumped a little from the instant contact. Once it was off, her eyes flickered, adjusting to vision. When they were clear, she noticed a similar- looking truck to Jared's beside their new farm. She blinked twice, then furrowed her eyebrows.

" Jared," she said hesitantly. " Who's truck is that?" Did someone already move in? Were they people who could help?

The minute Leah said that, she saw two familiar faces jump out the truck, and she noticed it was Taylor and Emme- her.. Jared's family.


Jared looked as Leah clocked them herself, her eyes widening slightly. " They've come to give us the key and look around the house with us," Jared explained. " I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to act up like the last time our family was round."

Leah dug her nails into her palms. A few weeks ago, she would've been bowing her head in shame at that comment, but now, she was angered that he always thought he could belittle her. He couldn't.

Jared and Leah jumped out the truck, and Jared grasped her hand in his again as they headed over to Emme and Taylor. Jared called for Taylor, and his face brightened when he noticed Jared.

They patted each other on the backs, smiling as they began to speak. Emme hurried beside Taylor and allowed a large smile to form on her thin, cracking lips as she eyed Leah. She was about to say something to her, but Taylor spoke.

" We better get inside. Looks like the rains due."

They walked down the stoned path, and to the bottom. Leah could see now that the blue paint was peeling off the door in large clumps, with smaller clumps clinging on. It reminded her of herself; trying to hold onto that small part of sanity she'd developed despite all the things she were told by these monsters. Leah examined it with her eyes, until they drifted away and she peered around the area.

" Leah," Jared's voice knocked her back into thought, and he jilted his head so she'd walk into the house. He could see her looking around, and he didn't like it one bit.

Leah snapped her head towards him, quickly apologised for stalling, and followed him inside. The minute she entered, she was greeted with the strong smell of must invading her nostrils. She held the urge to plug her nose, and took a look around her.

There was bare brick on almost every wall, and the rest was a pale green colour- like they had been in her nightmare that time. The kitchen seemed to be the only room completely naked as they stepped inside the small room.

Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now