|87|: Tell Me Something I Don't Know

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"Ugh where am I?" Memphis scratched her head as she had one eyelid closed and the other barely open.

Yawning, Memphis cut her action short as she noticed her surroundings, catching her off guard. She was in a foreign room with the whole room trashed completely.

Red solo cups were chucked around the room with drops of liquid escaping from a few. Packet of chips on the ground, popcorn scattered, pizza boxes half-filled with pizza or empty.

There were shirts, heels and jackets scattered all over the room creating some sudden sense of confusion for Memphis.

She recognised the familiar faces around her, Xavier and Hunter were both passed out on the ground with Georgia and Avery sprawled to their sides. Logan had his back leaned against the wall with a red solo cup in his hand and near the tip of his shoe.

Cameron was shirtless, falling off the bed with Jingle who was on the opposite side of the other bed, holding a bottle of substance in it with her fair legs closely together as she slept. Goodie had some drool from his mouth as his head was resting on a pizza box, snoring away.

Daniel had a slice of pizza in hand snoring away also as he swallowed, scratching his cheek.

Chase was on the ground with a green bottle in her grasp, her current blonde lock sprawled over her face and the ground, with Storm beside her also carrying a green bottle. His shirt was slightly undone, pink lips pursed with some lipstick smeared against his cheeks.

She noticed that both Storm and Chase were next to each other and probably had passed out drinking this confused substance, which was giving her a throbbing headache. Clutching onto the covers, Memphis was only wearing a crop top and her denim jacket, not knowing where her dress was. Possibly thrown around the room.

But the main thing she noticed was the slight shuffling beside her, the person beside her was shirtless and was fast asleep. Her eyes almost popped out of her sockets as realisation sank into them.

Evan and Memphis.

But how?

"Ahhhhhh!" The sound of sudden shrieking awoke each individual in the room. Even Evan who almost looked like he was getting attacked.

The look in his eyes to see him shirtless and next to Memphis freaked him out even more, as he fell off the bed.

"Stop screaming, Memphis." Hunter wiggled a finger near his ear.

Everyone was fully alert now by the situation and scrambled up.

"What the heck happened?!"

8 hours earlier.

"5,2 with some attitude-." The music was cut short as Memphis invaded the room with Danny.

"Hey! What was that for?" Georgia asked as Memphis plopped herself down on the couch of Georgia's apartment.

"We should have a party." Danny stated as Xavier entered with Chase who had been slowly walking without her crutches beside her.

"Don't agree." Goodie shook his head.

"Why not?" Jingle asked as she popped out from the kitchen with popcorn in hand.

"Because —."

"Don't even throw the excuse of because 'you're busy'." Storm interjected as he stole some popcorn from Jingle who was throwing popcorn in Chase's mouth.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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