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After an awkward night of silence, the group awoke to find Sesshomaru gone. They all remembered that he said he would be going to get Rin and the others in the morning, but they thought he would have at least told them he was leaving before he left. It upset Kirai to know that Sesshomaru left her without even saying goodbye. He'd never done that before.

"Do you think Rin and the others are okay?" Safaia questioned as she and her sister were trying to start a fire. Eodum had collected the sticks and left the actual starting of the fire to the girls.

"They better be, or else Sesshomaru will flip." Kirai simply responded as she stood up, annoyed with the lack of fire. They were trying to start a fire without using magic, but clearly, that wasn't going to work, so Safaia used her Witchy-Witch powers to light the fire.

"He would? I didn't realize he had emotions." It was Eodum from the tree he was sitting at who'd spoken. He was cleaning the fish he'd caught in a river nearby as he idly listened into the girls' conversation.

"I could say the same thing about you, you know?"

"I suppose us demons feel quieter than you humans do."

"I suppose so," Kirai spoke with such bitterness that it worried her sister.

"Is everything going alright with you and Sesshomaru?" Safaia questioned as she stood up from the fire that was now burning. She looked over at her sister with worry in her eyes. As far as she'd known, ever since the fight with Hakai, everything was going good between Sesshomaru and Kirai.

"I don't really want to talk about it..." However, one look at Safaia's face and Kirai changed what she had to say. "I just feel like something is changing between him and I. That's all..."

"I see... I'm sorry, sis." There was nothing else the girl could say to her sister now. So Safaia just walked over to Eodum and began to put the fish of stakes to cook them.


It was later that afternoon when Sesshomaru returned with Ah-Un, Rin, and Jaken. Rin seemed to be excited to see Kirai and Safaia once again, while Jaken just seemed to hate his life even more.

"Did you miss us, Kirai, Safaia?" Rin questioned as soon as she hopped off of Ah-Un.

"Of course we didn't, you obnoxious teenager." Kirai jokingly grumbled, knowing fully well that Rin wouldn't take her words to heart. The two went to hug but was stopped by Eodum speaking.

"How do we know that's really Rin?" Eodum was standing protectively in front of Safaia as he spoke. "How do we know any of them are who they say they are?"

"How do we know you are who you say you are?" Jaken snapped instantly and defensively.

"The password, this is when we're supposed to say that, right?" Rin was about to say the password when Kirai stopped her.

"Wait, all of us need to say it at the same time."


"Potato." Everyone, except Sesshomaru, spoke all at once. Everyone then processed the situation and turned to Sesshomaru. They all instantly felt a sense of distrust towards the man.

"I'm not saying that." Sesshomaru instantly said almost angrily. He wouldn't look like a fool randomly saying "potato".

"Come on Sesshomaru, just say it." Kirai began to approach the tall demon as she spoke to him.

"Kirai, there's no point, he knows the password now and it would be meaningless now," Eodum explained simply as he pulled the girl away from the other demon. Kirai struggled for a moment but was then pulled back by her sister, causing her to not fight any longer.

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