Beginning Of The End

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It's been about a week since the group left Kagome's village. They had no set destination in mind, so they ended up aimlessly wandering around. It was beginning to get on Kirai's nerves. She was never one to just walk around without knowing where she was going.

"Okay guys," Kirai began after they set up camp for the night. "Let's figure out where exactly we are going."

"Well, I still think we should hunt down a guy for Safaia," Rin spoke up instantly, causing the pink-haired Safaia to frown.

"Guys really, I am fine without a man."

"I agree with Rin. So sis, do you want a demon or a warlock as your man?" Kirai questioned, ignoring her sister's words. Safaia just sighed to herself.

"A demon would be preferable. I don't really trust warlocks anymore."

"Then let's find a demon village. I know there are some nearby." Kirai then turned to Sesshomaru with a smile on her face. He internally sighed and smelled the air.

"There is one just north of our location. We can go there tomorrow." The tall demon responded simply. He seemed annoyed, to be honest, but that was to be expected. He didn't really like other demons just as much as he didn't like humans.

"Thank you, Maru," Kirai spoke as she smiled at him even more.

"Yes, Maru, thank you," Safaia grumbled, much to the annoyance of Sesshomaru. He glared at the other woman, causing Kirai to laugh.

"Now now you two." Kirai didn't like it when Safaia and Sesshomaru got on each other's nerves, but it was funny sometimes. It didn't happen often, but they were both strong-willed people, which sometimes caused some issues.

"We'll go to that village in the morning, right now, it's time to sleep." Rin's tone gave no arguments. It was clear she wanted everyone to be quiet now, so they all went quiet. She'd been particularly tired that day. So, now that she'd curled up with Ah-Un and fallen asleep, everyone else chose to do the same. Well, not cuddle up with the dragon, but they had their own spots.

Kirai was snuggled up with Sesshomaru, who had a protective arm wrapped around the girl. Safaia was sleeping up in the tree Sesshomaru and Kirai was leaning on, laying on a tree branch. She chose one she wouldn't fall off of too easily. Meanwhile, Jaken slept all alone by the fire.


Once morning came and everyone had some form of breakfast, they headed out. The village wasn't too far away so it only took an hour to reach it. As soon as they got there and began to walk through the village, the demons of the village all looked at them. It wasn't every day that a powerful demon such as Sesshomaru entered a village of demons. Soon, an older man approached them. He was clearly the village chief.

"Hello, travelers. What brings you here to our humble village?" The old man spoke softly to the group. Everyone looked at each other trying to figure out who would talk first. It ended up being Safaia who stepped forward to speak.

"We are here to find me a husband. We hoped to get lucky finding a good demon here in your village." Safaia was almost embarrassed to say such a thing out loud in front of so many demons.

"I see. Well, we can round up the single men and you can talk to each of them. We thank you for choosing our village to search in." With that, the old man waved his hand at two men who'd followed him. They walked off, unassumingly to gather the single male demons of the village. "Come with me, I will show you to where you can stay the night."

The location of their temporary home was the chief's house. It was large with a lot of rooms, meaning each of them could have their own space for the time being if they so chose to.

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