A Meeting of the Fates

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While their names had become common amongst the people of the five kingdoms, it was unknown if the news of their activities had reached the ears of those in Xadia. Luckily that was about to change because after stopping in this last village on the eastern shores of the five kingdoms that's where they were heading. It was early afternoon when the group of eight came to town that they were looking to receive the reward for slaying a Kernun. An older and more dangerous Leshen with the body of a man, the skulled head of a dear, branch like protrusions growing from it's back, and bone like claws sharp as any sword. While this one was not yet at the age to be able to use its crows flock to travel it did have a wide range when it came to using its ability for weaponizing tree roots.

The proof he had been able to slay the monster was tide to the side of his saddle, the beasts head. While to many it would seem to be nothing more than the head of a moose or dear if you examine the markings along the forehead, and nasal ridge you'd be able to tell it was the real deal.

After riding to the town hall, the news of a Witcher's presence had quickly made its way through town and after removing the binds around the antlers a large crowd of people had gathered to see the appraisal of the beasts head, that is if they could get in to see it at all. The number of people overflowed the buildings capacity into the streets and for those who were around the towns mayor and the monsters killer could feel the tension in the air just from the silent conversation between the two. While she was no Witcher or great slayer of beasts, the towns leader new her monsterology; and in her expert opinion, after a carful inspection of the skull she had been given was genuine. "As promised when we first spoke Witcher..." She then pulled a small fat pouch from her desk and continued, "One-hundred-thirty-six gold pieces for the death of one Kernun." Raising his hand to take the pouch the mayor set it in the mans hand and decided to ask, "If I may, why is it you hide your face behind that mask?"

There was a silence that fell upon the room as for a moment it seemed as though she had just signed her death warrant. But then the man before them did something quite unexpected. He opened the pouch and after a minute pulled out a handful of coins and reached out towards the mayor. Not wanting to be rude, she reached out with an open palm and the coins were handed over. "It took me a day longer to track and kill the beast than I originally said. Because of that you are holding thirty-six of the coins. Allow me to say that I wish you all prosperity and a good life to come." He then turned to leave but before walking out the door he looked over his shoulder and said, "As for your question Ms. Mayor; I've made many enemies in my life, no need for them to put a name to a face." And with that he exited the town hall for the central market.

It was now close to midday when Harley had collected all the supplies and necessities required for the next leg of the journey to Xadia. But just before he and Draco could make it back to the inn for the night, they caught the sent of something more fowl than an unwashed werewolf, the sent of a slave traders ship. Deciding to investigate, Harley instructed Draco to run as fast as he could to the towns sheriffs station and give them a note detailing the need for back up at the port and the reason why. So as Draco ran off to do as he was told, Harley put his stealth skills to use and made his way for the accursed ship.

It was by the time the sun was highest in the sky that Harley found and marked the slave ship and began to make his way aboard. Seeing as though the gangplank was an absolute no, Harley was able to find an open porthole and quickly climbed up the outside hull of the ship. While the porthole was closer to the back of the ship it was clear that getting whoever had been captured and threatened to be sold into a lifetime of slavery to who knows where, Harley was going to have to work fast in order to put these guys out of business. So with light and quick steps he made his way through the ships storage and found that the crews cover was a merchant shipping vessel. As a front they transported, silks, jewelry, and weapons to the five kingdoms allies across the seas. So deciding to have a little fun as well; Harley made quick work of gathering and storing every single piece of jewelry the ship was carrying as well as one large roll of silk in the colors or red, white, and black. But at the same time he also found a royal blacksmiths grade armor and weapons repair and maintenance kit.

After almost twenty minutes of sneaking through the ships halls, Harley finally made it to the lowest decks where to his surprise found a number of eight large cells that could hold ten people each, but there was only one person down here. It appeared to be a young woman in her late teens possibly early twenties, and from the smell; it was plain as day she had put up a good fight when they captured her. But upon closer inspection Harley found the woman in question was in fact a Skywing Elf.


It was just like any other day she had thought, but Elyssa couldn't have guessed there would be a slave trader amongst one of the courts of the five kingdoms. She was sent by her mother, the queen of the elves along with this sessions convoy to the human kingdoms as another sign of peace and trust between their people and the humans, but also as a way for her to better understand the trade and political agreements between them. Like any other time she had met the ambassadors from Katolis she thought the diversification of the human race was remarkable. The different cultures, and customs were sights to be remembered, but also the articles of clothing and the types of training the different countries soldiers received was a magnificent display of skill and dedication.

After having retired for the night she had this odd sleepy feeling after dinner, and kindly asked to be excused, hoping to get some rest. It wasn't until she had found herself locked in a prison carriage that she learned her food had been drugged. Thankfully from the looks of her cloths, she hadn't been mishandled, but the fact she didn't have any weapons or any knowledge of what was going on is when she started to become frightened. For what seemed like hours, Elyssa quietly sate in the carriage waiting for the right opportunity to make an escape. It was by midday when they finally rod into a town, and from the smell of salt in the air, it was more than likely along the coast. While the only form of light she had was from the small bard window on the door she could hear the hustle and bustle of the people outside. Once they came to a stop and the door was opened, is when she fought back.

It became obvious that she was captured by a wealthy merchants guild with ties to the criminal underworlds slave trade. Even without weapons, she put up one hell of fight to get away, but in the end she was over powered and her legs were injured. After having taken down what must have been twelve men, she was knocked unconscious again, and this time Elyssa found herself chained to the wall of a cell. From the look and smell she was more than likely on the traders ship now, and even with the slight movements the waves had on the boat, she could tell they were still docked. This time she started to really get scared; her mind only made things worse by going through the different scenarios she could be put through, or what was going to happen to her. But what she wasn't expecting was to find a man before her who had come to rescue her and take her home.

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