Chapter 52

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TIM POV: I walk back to Faith's room, expecting her to be there. Much to my surprise, she's still wandering around the hospital. It's been two hours since I last saw her. Kendricks keeps scolding me whenever I go to search for her.

"She's healing." He insists. He's pissing me off. She could be god knows where by now. She's confused, drugged, and sick. She shouldn't be left to wander. Hell, she could be passed out in a vacant hallway...

I decide to look for her once more. Kendricks catches sight of me.

"Tim, I told you-" He starts.

"I'm just going to get some coffee." I make up an excuse. He nods.

"Alright. I'll call you if anything happens." He says, going back into his cave-like office. I start down the major hallways looking for her.

I swear, I've done this floor at least four times... Everything looks the same. I catch an elevator down a floor and begin to search. This floor seems eerie. The lights aren't warm. The walls are scratched, and in desperate need for paint. The doors aren't numbered, only leading to more confusion. I walk down the hallway until I begin to hear her scream.

"Faith!" I scream, trying to see in what direction her screams are coming from. I hear her voice become muffled as the hallway splits to two sides. I trace the echo and turn to the left. I shut my eyes and try to see where her voice is. I'm led to an unnumbered room. I open the door and am met with horror.

Two men stand in the room. One pins her down, while the other proceeds to rape her. He barely flinches at the sight of me. Faith tries to squirm away, but the guy pinning her down slaps her, quickly shutting the attempt down. My blood begins to boil. I push one of the guys to the ground, his pants around his ankles. I begin to punch him as hard as I physically can. I can feel his flesh distort under my hardened fist. He begins to gargle as Faith's screams begin to fill my ears. I begin to see red, and I turn to the man, previously hold her down. I hold him against the wall and smash in his rubs. Faith cries, but doesn't try to stop me. Her voice suddenly becomes louder with warning.

"Tim!" She screams. Before I can turn around, I feel a sharp blade come across my neck. I release the man and step back, along with the blade. The other man, holds the knife securely to my throat, threatening to slit it at any moment. I take deep breaths and try to think of a solution. Faith's eyes are full of tears and blood as she cries. "Let him go, please..." She pleads.

"Darling, you know we can't do that." The man says, pressing the knife against my skin, I push myself against him, trying to create as much distance between me and the knife. He proceeds to hold it closer to me.

"Please..." Faith continues to beg. "I'll do anything." She offers. The men grin at the thoughts of what she could offer. I feel sick... I feel my eyes twitch with restraint.

"Anything?" He laughs. She nods, her eyes look desperate. "Matt," The man says, pointing to the guy who held her down. "take her outside." He orders.

"No..." I say lightly, before coming to a crescendo. "No! Don't you dare fucking-" I begin to scream and pull. He nicks my throat, showing his dominance. I look at Faith with helplessness.

"It'll be okay, baby." She says softly, as Matt leads her out of the room. They shut the door and walk down the hall. The man throws me on the floor and kicks me.

"Listen here, you piece of shit." He says, kicking me once more. I gasp for air, feeling as if I broke at least one rib. "I'm Jason, just thought you should know the name of your killer." His cool voice gives me a chill. He sounds insane, making me question if he really will be my killer.

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