Chapter 29 (Two weeks later)

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TIM POV: Faith still hasn't waken up. I can only catch small bits of what the doctor says to Gary, because I'm afraid to leave her. She looks like hell... 

When Gary can't stay with her, he leaves the TV on, as if to keep her company. This leaves me a chance to catch up on all the Hollywood news, since that's the channel it's stuck on. According to Extra, Faith's falling from grace. Right now, she's pale, cold, and has a breathing tube jammed down her throat. She flat lined numerous times. They've been pretty damn close to calling her dead more than a few times. 

I have yet to see the girls here. Gary tells the doctor that he thinks it will freak them out. She doesn't look that bad, Gary. Let the girls see her...

"Country's sweetheart overdosed while doing an interview around two weeks ago. Hill has been going through a whirlwind, having lost her husband, a baby, and dealing with affairs of her husband. The girl has more than enough stress on her plate. According to her Manager, she accidentally mixed an antidepressant and pain killer that would lead to an overdose. She's still in the hospital, and is on life support currently." The TV screams. I look down at Faith with sad eyes. She needs to get better. She can't leave the girls. She just can't... 

"Good mornin' miss Hill." Kendricks says, as he walks into the room with an array of medications. He always says hello, just in case it will wake her up. Apparently, there was a study that said if people in coma's hear someone's voice who sounds kind, or if they know them, they'll be more likely to wake up. Faith can't hear me, and I'm sure she wouldn't want to either. 

Kendricks injects a ton of medications through her IV. I count five. Is she going to die? Kendricks looks down at her, a tad disheartened. He pulls up a chair and sits down beside her. 

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." He says. "You don't deserve this.". He wipes his eyes, squeezes her hand, then gets up to leave the room. I lay down beside Faith, and wrap my arms around her. 

"I love you so much." I repeat, holding her close to me. For a second, I feel comfortable. But that feeling is quickly cut short by the sound of her flat lining. The machine begins to make that awful beeping noise as her body feels limp in my arms. She looks like a rag doll. 

Kendricks races in with a AED to shock her back. I get up and watch from the foot of the bed. 

"Clear!" He says. I watch her body go stiff as the shock pulses through her body. 

"Come on, baby." I mumble, grasping the edge of the bed. 

"Clear!" Kendricks says, shocking her yet again. Still nothing. I massage my jaw. 

"Faith, please wake up." I say, looking at her lying there, almost lifeless. I turn, knowing she's probably gone. I sit against the foot of the bed and pull my knees to my chest. I put my head between my knees and feel tears begin to fall. I look up to wipe my eyes, when I see it.... her... 

She standing there, covering her mouth and gasping for air. She stares at herself with tears in her eyes. She tries to back up, but the door is closed. I stand up slowly, being sure not to startle her. 

"No... no." She begins to cry. "Oh my god..." She covers her eyes as the beeping ceases. She still has time to go back. 

"Faith," I say, gently touching her shoulder. She gasps and stumbles back into the wall. "whoa! Be careful." I say, wiping away her tears. Her eyes express relief, before quickly changing. 

"Leave..." She says sternly. 

"What?" I ask, a little surprised. 

"Leave me alone!" She screams, shaking me off. 

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