Chapter 6

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FAITH POV: I manage to make it home, of course, with the help of a friend. I had to call Jen to pick me up at the Hard Rock. It would be a four mile walk, which I was not up for with this hangover. 

"So," Jen says as we walk into my house. "was this stranger nice? I was checkin' him out but you were crying so hard that I had no time to flirt." 

"He's an ass." I answer. 

"Oh." Jen bites her lip. "Like-"

"Like, he's an ass. You have to raise the bar a bit Jen. You can't go for these asshole guys and expect a long term, respectable relationship." I say. 

"Maybe I'm just having fun." She says, nudging me in the shoulder. "Did he make you breakfast?" Jen says, placing her elbows on the counter and her head on her hands. She's watching me as I start to make eggs. 

"Nope." I say

"Why?" Jen says, acting like she was a three year old. 

"Because I woke up first." 

"Did you leave him sleeping?" She says shocked.

"No," I say, "I accidentally woke him up.... and then threatened to stab him with a spoon...." 



"No wonder you didn't get breakfast." 

"Shut up." I say, laughing a bit. 

"What's his name?" 

"Why do you care?"

"Because, I think you like him." Jen says suggestively.

"Well, I don't." I say. "And it's Tim." 

"Does he know your name?"

"Yeah, he kind of followed me till I told him."

"Oooooh! He likes you." She winks. I roll my eyes. "You were really freaked out when I picked you up..."



"Because I woke up, hungover, with no recollection of what happened the night before, in a strangers apartment..." I say. Jen shrugs her shoulder. 

"I don't know why you had to freak out about it." 

"I didn't know what had happened the night before, Jen. I didn't know if he took me there against my will, or if I even slept with him." I say

"You always assume worse case scenario. He seemed pretty nice from what you're telling me."

"He followed me." 

"He was flirting with you." Jen says rolling her eyes. "Faith, you my friend, are undateable. You literally have no idea how to A.) flirt B.) talk to people C.) not assume."

"I dated Scott didn't I?"

"You BOTH didn't know how to date. It was a mutual awkwardness." 

"I hate you." I laugh. 

"I love you too!" Jen yells as she runs to change into different clothes. Jen pops back out from her room with new clothes on. The doorbell rings. "You can get that." she volunteers me. I roll my eyes and run towards the door. 

"Hel-" I swing the door open to see just who I didn't feel like seeing. 

"Hey, Faith... you -uh... left this." He says, standing uncomfortably in the doorway, holding out my bag. "You left it in my car last night." 

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