Chapter 1: First encounter

Start from the beginning

He sighed and ran his fingers through his short brown hair "Ash please, just listen to me ..."

I look at him in disgust before biting down so hard on my lip to prevent myself from sobbing, that I drew blood. I turned on my heel and ran as fast as I could across the car park and into the school, rather glad that I'm an extremely fast runner and on the track team, right now.

I couldn't walk home like this, I just need to get away from everyone. I managed to make it into school and into the girl's toilets before my knees gave way and I fell onto the tiled floor crying my heart out and sobbing uncontrollably.

I had no idea how long I had been in the toilets wailing to myself, over the fact that I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. But I only stopped when my body seemed to have no more tears to shed, and my ragged breath had evened out.

I grabbed onto the sinks and pulled myself up off the floor onto shaky legs, and venturing back out into the hallways. I gasped slightly when everywhere was dark not even a random flickering light, just the splash of light shining through the windows, indicating that school had been locked up.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket quickly and checked the time and cursed to myself and the world for my bad luck. It was past six o'clock and the school was now locked, plus I was late home.

Oh God, Mayce and Lizzy must be worried. It's only ever us in the house, and I took it as my responsibility to become the mother figure. Since our dad died when I was eleven, my mum got a full time job that she works 24/7 she even sleeps at her office most of the time.

I dialled Mayce number but was put straight onto voicemail, once again cursing loudly, because high school blocks out cell phone signals to try and prevent, the use of phones in school.

I jogged to the nearest exit and to my utter surprise, it was locked! I tried at least another two exits until I knew there was only one more, but by now I had given up and was crying again.

I growled loudly as I rounded a corner and I couldn't help myself I grabbed the large red bin and threw it onto the floor. "For fuck sake, I hate my life and I hate Caden, the fucking man-whore. It's his entire fault I'm locked in here in the first fucking place!"

I growled again and began kicking the bin across the floor "I hate myself for kicking the shit out of this stupid bin and I hate my dad for dying and leaving me to look after my sisters ... and-and ... I hate myself for having major anger problems! And I seriously need a mouth filter"

I kicked the bin out of my way and now began to kick some poor kid's locker "I should have known that no one would ever love me ... Especially not Caden. That bastard probably just wanted me for sex"

By now I was crying again and breathing heavily, but still banging my clenched fist against a locker. I rested my forehead onto the cold metal surface and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

I pushed myself off the locker and wiped the tears off my face as I turned about to go the other way, and try the last exit. I just needed to get out of here, curl up in bed and cry myself to sleep. Oh god I feel so pathetic.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed five boys fully dressed in black, stood there staring at me as if I was crazy. There was spray-paint across the one of the walls that stated 'fuck school' and two of the boys had cans in their hands.

Oh crap, I have just been too busy hating life and ranting to myself in a temper tantrum, that I didn't realise the five guys all dressed in black watching me. Oh no, how are they in school? Who are they? Are they going to kill me now that I have seen them at the scene of the crime?

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