let the war begin

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so so how was your day mine was fine us learn stuff I'm not going to say because it might be offensive to some people and I am right now speaking on my phone because I like to do that ok

Amy p.o.v

Stuff has been going good ever since Eric was crying and he still haven't told me why you I'm going to find out I'm nosy like that and right now I'm with the lady in the bunker because the war is tomorrow so he wants to get everything ready for some reason he's Mr Bossypants and me and the ladies on the bunkers there's a lot of kids here crying I'm dirty diapers everywhere this milk oh my gosh but I can't wait till tomorrow I don't know why its like my first war ever since well but when it happens I'm scared because what if erik dies oh no a me get that out of your mind bad I'm still mad at him but them eyes oh my gosh I can't wait till tomorrow wait what am I saying a lot of people are going to get killed just because of that means rotten bitch named Jack jacks oh my gosh well I hope everything goes good you got it up there Thank You bye


Erik p.o.v

Soldiers get your position ready go now now now right now we are all getting packed in front of the house waiting for Jax and jareds on me for rides I'm really hoping amy is okay I don't care what I do with myself she died I mean while and her and her baby shoot I really wish that baby was mine was that son of a b in Jax

"Alpha" he said "we found some route he's coming towards us right now" he said I said "okay everybody get your position ready how"

then the routes came in view when the Rowdies came to you we all howl long to the sunlight I know it's not the night time but still it's a tradition We and the towards them we collided so hard some of us fell to the ground I've since I'm the alpha was the meanest and Maddest I looked around for Jerik and Jax I wanted to and feed them to the Lions I know that's hard then around he came straight for me i bit his neck and then another one came from behind using my alpha speed I ducked and he hit his head where are they I just left the fight to look for them I was running and got there sent I ran to it

"hello Erik" jerik said

"hello jerik" I said as I transform to human luckily I change with my clothes on

"so brother how was your life without mom dad"

"shut up jerik"

"well me and jaxs team up how do you like this war"

"not good but we are winning" I said

"not any more"he said then we both transform then another wolf came out it was jaxs then another wolf came out it was Amy's mom

'I will take jaxs and you take jerik' Amy mom told me then we ran tords them I tuck jerik by surprise I tackle him to the trees then he got up then he jump on me then hr tackle me my paws up and then I bet his leg and he how and paints and got off of me now he's sleeping that took me as a chance I ran towards him to hit him to the tree I thought he was dead and then I looked over to Amy's mom she had everything under control literally Jaxs dead dead not even moving he's dead I went by her and changed into human form then something hut me hard I fell and saw black dots lasting I saw was Amy's mom ripping jerk head off

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