I am giving him a chance my ass

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Amy p.ov

so I decided to give him a chance Erik I am going to except him he is my mate I Ann going to his house now I am there

"hi Jane" I said

"hey let me guess uummm Erik is in him office" she said

"thanxs" I said and went up to his office when I heard someone kissing in his office I got mad and barge in and guess what I saw him kissing some girl that look like a slut short shorts and a top with no bra I started to cry and left he heard me and push her off

"wait amy" he said

"why I finally decided to except you and I come to see you with that fuckin slut I thought you were my mate this is why I didn't want a mate because I knew I was gonna get heart so just leave me the fuck alone oh and I AMY reject Erik as my mate " I said and ran down the stairs to see Daniel and luke asking what's wrong but I just kept on running not knowing where I stop at a lake crying

"hello my pretty" a man said

"Who are you" I said

"your worse nightmare" he said then it went black

erik p.o.v before it happen

I was doing my work when the pack slut came Brittney

"What do you want" I said in a careless voice

"nothing I just wanted to see you again"


"remember all the time we had in the bed before your parents bied"

"what do you want" I said in alpha voice

she just came up to me and kiss me if was so wrong but felt to good but then Amy came in and started to cry I let go of Brittney and ran after her "amy wait" I said

"why I finally decided to except you and I come to see you with that fuckin slut I thought you were my mate this is why I didn't want a mate because I knew I was gonna get heart so just leave me the fuck alone" she said then ran out I came downstairs to see luke amd Daniel with jane "what did you do" luke said in a mad voice

"nothin" I said

"YOU NOW THAT IS A LIE" luke sais in him delta voice

"I kiss Brittney" I said

"YOU MESS UP MAN" Daniel said

"I know"

"you didn't mess up you were a bitch to her" luke said he have bin nice to girls every since his mate died

"I know"

"and to Brittney I thought you would have bin more caring ever since.your parents died" luke said


they went quite and I went upstairs

kissing in the rainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon