still not yet

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amy p.o.v

tomorrow I am 16 and my twin so that SUCKS I am gonna find my mate I don't want a mate but I am hoping it isn't from school because everyone hate me makes fun of me because I am shortish and small booty and breast and be a they think I am lesbian just because I am a tomboy right now I am in bed just thinkin well I don't now what but I have to go to sleep so u put on my headphones and fell asleep

next day

I got ready for school a black shirt that says you can't sit with us' and my black jeggings and put my hair into a messy bun and went downstairs and saw jr,James and john did you realize we well the boys have only j name oh well so I sat down and at then I went to john's car waited for jr and james to get in and john then we left 'so amy are you ready for your mate' my wolf said

'no I am.not I am a independent girl I don't need a boy running my life' I said to her

'that is what they all say'

'really it is tru-'

I was cut off

"we are here" john said I look and we are here I got out john well the senior and on the other side of the building I got out and went to my locker were I found ella she is my best friend she knows me accept me I love her "hey ella" I said sadish

"I know why you are sad"


"because you don't want a mate will I do I have a feeling I will meet him today" you was gonna say something but the bell rang

first period

second period

third period


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