war part 2

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Emily p.o.v

I talking him to the ground and he fell with me I almost won but he punched me and he stand up and point the gun to me and shoot I thought I was gonna die but

amy p.o.v

Emily tackle him and he punched her he was about to shoot and I didn't even think I just jump in the way of the bullet and it hit my head all I remember is Erik my mom and Emily yelling at my stay with me went black

spella p.o.v

I watch my daughter I ran for jaxs he tried to hit me but I block it with a shield I created with my mind and change in the air and bit his leg a chunk of his leg and through him in the tree and I was about to finish him off when I remember amy my only daughter she was dieing she needs me now more than ever with me crying I couldn't activate my powers to heal her Erik pick her up and hand her to me using my goddess speed I ran to the closes doctors

Amy p.o.v

I was on a bed rushing "my baby please help her leave me ny baby" I said then blacked out

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