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The Party.


this part is long so if you really want to skip you can but you'll miss important information -

Bucky held Steve's hand tightly and stared into the two deep blue pools either side of his face. He could tell Steve was nervous, he never really liked parties and he hated dancing, Bucky was just trying to calm him down.

"Steve It's going to be fine." Bucky rubbed his hand gently, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I know but this is a big event, it's the anniversary of beating Thanos and all the Superheroes are coming." He glanced at the hall full of tables, lights and drinks. "I just hope they enjoy it."

Finally, the doorbell rung from the outside of the Avengers mansion. The couple opened the door to Thor, Bruce, Loki, Valkrie, Sam, Scott and Hope all standing with huge grins spread across their faces.

"Hello Captain of the Americas and Soldier of Winter, How are you?" Thor's voice boomed.

"We're great, thanks for asking!" Steve smiled and hugged each of the guests. They made their way inside to the Party room and settled, ordering drinks and food from the bar. The DJ, known as Starlord, was getting his music fixed ready for the night.

A little while later, more and more guests started turning up. The guardians had arrived. T'challa, Shuri, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Carol, Nick, Wong and Rhodey were all dressed up nicely in suits and extravagant dresses.

"Tony's running late I guess..." Steve sighed, his eyes trailed to the ground.

Bucky wrapped his arm around Steve. "Dont worry, he'll be here any moment-" Suddenly the doorbell rung again. "Speak of the devil, here he is now." They both chuckled.

They let the door creak open and standing there was Tony, Stephen and Peter dressed in matching black suits.

"So after this where do you want me to drop you off?" Stephen was fiddling with the cuff of his sleeve, he didn't even notice the two men standing in front of him. He looked up and groaned. "Oh great... Hi Rogers."

"Hello Strange." Steve mumbled in a spiteful tone, glaring at the Doctor.

"Hiya Steve." Tony interrupted, he could sense the tension between the two, he really didnt want a fight to break out. He had Peter's hand firmly in his grasp.

Bucky sighed and carefully pulled Steve backwards making the way for the two to enter the hall. Peter was put upstairs to play games with Shuri while the truth or dare was taking place.

People cheered and clapped as Tony walked in, for now the truth or dare could start. Before that, there was a toast made by Bruce.

The music from the DJ booth became almost silent and Bruce held his drink up in the air. "We all should be celebrating the fact that we beat Thanos. It took team work to save this planet so everyone, congratulate yourself on the great work and efforts that you put in!"

The superheroes cheered with delight, all of them holding their drinks up in the air. Thor patted Bruce's back and the music turned back to a quiet level.

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