Chapter 9

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James turned around and smiled, "Hey Keith and yes, I've been meaning to talk to you. C'mon let's take a walk."

We began to walk, Keith looking around the area, figuring out why James would call him out here.

"So I wanted to apologize of what I did before, it was immature and ruthless. I grew up and I realized my mistakes. I'm very sorry for my past mistakes." James said.

Keith looked at him and down to the ground. "You've already apologized, why apologize again?"
"Well I realized it was better to say it in person than through an email or text."

Keith nodded and continue to be silent. He could sense James wanted to say something else but he hasn't said anything. We just continue on walking around the small park until I decided to speak up.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" I asked. James shook his head and tilted his head. His mouth opened and I waited for those words to come out but he closed his mouth again.

I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what the hell he wanted to say. I tried of thinking of different possibilities but none of them made sense.

We walked some more, watching the kids play on the playground and looking at the people walking in front of us. It was just a waiting game at this point. No sort of conversation has been formed just us walking around this tiny park.

A few more trees passed when James finally spoke, "Keith, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime later this week? You of course don't have to accept but I just wanted to get to know you better and make a better impression."

I laughed, "Is that what took you so long to ask?" James embarrassingly looked away. I smiled, chuckling at him. "I'll accept your offer so when will we hang out?"

James looked up with a shock face, "Oh. We can hang this Friday or Saturday if you are free?" I nodded, "Saturday at 6 is fine. Anyways I'll have to go, you can text me the details on where we going to go. Bye"

"Bye" said James as he waved me away.

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