[1.] This is the Part Where You Run

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Levi laid in his bed watching Netflix on his laptop. Class was over and there was nothing better to do then to binge watch Scream for the second time.

Levi was currently on season two.
In reality his world was a lot like theirs everyone's got a secret, and you never know who's really a monster on the inside.

Luckily, he didn't have to deal with surprises and secrets at the moment. Everything was pretty chill around the boarding school.

Soon a knock on his door pulls his attention from his show. "Come on in!" He says, closing his laptop.

The door slowly swings open revealing the blonde Saltzman twin. "Daddy needs you and little Miss Dreadful to go on a recruitment trip with him right now." The girls face went to one of disgust when she mentioned the Mikaelson girl.

Growing up with the twins, Levi knew when something was bothering them. Let's just say that the topic of Hope Mikaelson was a touchy one for the twins.

"Tell him to let me get dressed I'll be there in a minute." He told her, and in return she closed the door and left.


Pulling up in front of the Catholic Church Levi and Hope jumped out as the truck skidded to a stop. The wet asphalt beneath their feet.

"Hope?" Asked the boy that was sitting on the steps of the church.

"You two know each other?" Alaric's asked as he walked up to stand beside Levi. The young Salvatore had to admit he was a bit curious.

"Long story." Hope mutters, deep down he wondered exactly what those words meant.

Like on cue the screams from what he assumes is the werewolf and the sound of broken glass pulls the boys attention back on task.

With a small nod of the head Alaric signals him to go on in. "I'm on it."
Ready to get to action Levi delivers a swift telekinetically enhanced kick to the doors knocking them off their henges. "You're gonna wanna hang back dude, trust me."

"Shut down the exorcist, would you?" Alaric told Hope.

She raises her arms forward "Silencio." The priest mouth vanished, making the Latin verses stop. "Ad somnum." She casts next making the priest and foster parents pass out cold.

The shifting werewolf cries for help as his bones snap and rearrange. Ignoring the calls Levi speeds over to chain him down.

"How do you two know each other?" Alaric asked Hope as he drove, looking at her seated between Rafael and Landon.

"He used to serve me milkshakes at the Mystic Grill." Hope answered honestly.

"Peanut Butter Blast. Whipped cream on the bottom." Landon said as if he was proud at the fact that he remembered. "We danced once."

"We tried." Hope corrected, making everyone laugh, well everyone except for Levi. Who was starring at the windshield so hard he could make it shatter from his envy. "And then you moved away."

"Then I see you last night and your boyfriend makes a door blow off its hinges by barely touching it." Landon blurts out making Levi and Hope feel awkward, but apparently Alaric was eating it up as he sat in the drivers seat laughing.

"Oh we're not dating." Hope says defensively.  "To be honest we're barely even friends. No offense Levi."

"None taken." He lies, knowing deep down the girls words make him feel emptiness. No one knew how much that hurt him. That is except for Alaric, who's seen the boy follow Hope around like a lost puppy for the past two years.

"We're almost there." Alaric announces, all traces of previous laughter gone leaving only sympathy for the heartbroken teen.

After arriving at the school house Rafael went with the Saltzman twins to take a tour of the school.

"So let's get started." Alaric started. Walking to his office. "I'm curious, Landon were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls?"

"Uh, I knew Hope went to some fancy boarding school." Landon's says while looking around him. "People in town said it was for troubled rich kids." His eyes land on a girl making a book float. "I see the rich part is true. Nobody in town mentioned anyone in here could do that."

"No one in Mystic Falls knows much about us. We blend in just enough.
Participate, contribute just enough.
Keeps people from asking too many questions." Alaric explains to the dumbfounded boy as they make it to the office.

"What is there to know, exactly?"

"Well, I used to have a speech prepared, carefully unpeeling the layers of mystical history, but it turns out most people have read Harry Potter and are actually cool with me skipping the tee-up."

"You're a school for magic?" Landon asks like he's finally figured everything out.

"No we're a school for troubled birthday clowns." The Salvatore boy says sarcastically. "What else could we be?"

"We are a school for the supernatural, which covers a lot of territory.
Everyone here has something that makes them special in ways that the outside world wouldn't understand." Alaric says.

"So, what are you?" The human boy asks turning to Hope and Levi with a curious look.

"I'm too annoyed for this twenty questions shit." Levi groaned, obviously not wanting to deal with the human halfwit. He wasn't usually this way, but when someone rubbed him the wrong way he could be as cynical and sarcastic as his father once was.

"I should get to class." Hope says, turning to leave.

"No." Landon stops her. "I don't mean to be a dick, but I don't know you two, and though the image of you whammying a priest is still fresh, I need you here." He sighs. "Just tell me what all that was in the church last night?"

"What do you think it was Landon?" Levi asked, to which Landon rolled his eyes. "I promise I'm not being sarcastic this time."

"Well, as best as I can reason, either I've lost my mind or werewolves are real." Landon answers to which they give him a 'duh their real' look. "Th-This is beyond insane. How is that even possible?"

"It's a long story, involving an ancient, vengeful witch and a bloodline curse.
We cover all that in Origins of the Species, grade six." Alaric says.

"In sixth grade at my school, we learned the state capitals."

"We teach that, too." Levi says laughing. He turns and looks at Alaric. "Can I go now?" To which the man nods signaling for him to leave.

The next morning Alaric had called for a assembly in the main room. Apparently Landon lied about being compelled and had stolen a supernatural knife.

"For ten years we've gone undetected.
Protecting you, protecting our secret has been our singular mission.
Tonight I need your help to find Landon Kirby before he exposes us all." Alaric's words rang throughout the school. Levi was officially pissed off, Landon Kirby was gonna pay.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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