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Growing up as the heir to the throne was not easy, in fact, it was unbearable.

The pain, the misery, the acts you have to put on are all too much. Never getting to decide what is right for you, what you want to do. It suffocates the heck out of you.

As I grew up, my expression became stoic, my tone became cold. And my heart became ice. Very ironic when my parents wanted me to be the happy and warm princess they'd dreamed of.

They named me 'Yuki', which had many meanings, but the one word my parents were going for was happiness. I did not live up to my name.

Married to a brute of a bastard who doesn't even trust you to go out alone, it really was unbearable.

Prim and proper was what I had to be.

"We're taking a break, hime."

And this man was making me lose my focus.

My eyes were fixated on a stain on the curtain, and they haven't moved from that spot for the last 2 hours.

Not breaking the trance, I let out a delicate nod. The swish of fabric let me know I was alone once again. The voices of children outside the wagon began speaking. One of the boys got too loud and was shushed by a young girl.

I wish I remembered the kid's names but I told myself I would refuse to speak with them.

That is, until I made contact with the man who wouldn't leave my thoughts.

The three ninjas who guarded me, and their teacher.

Hatake Kakashi.

Now that was a man.

We haven't spoken to each other. More so me than him, and it was only to tell me when they were taking breaks.

Oh, but I so desperately wanted him to approach me and whisk me away into a secluded corner and have his way with me.

My blood boiled at the thought. But as the silence settled, my brutish husband entered my mind for the umpteenth time that day. I had no faith to him, and I would gladly end it if not for the political sway he had with the council. I could've been married to any other man in any other country but my parents had to choose Hisha Kaguro from Konoha, who was quite frankly very obviously marrying me to have access to the throne.

Honestly, I believed it was because he had some sort of dirt on my family, otherwise I would be engaged to someone who was worthy of me.

Kaguro made my blood boil for a whole other reason, anger.

Letting my posture slip, I let out a sigh and turned to the cloth separating me from the ninja who were hired to protect me.

A thin piece of fabric that acted as a barrier between me and the man I wanted to throw me to the ground and take me like the animal I knew ninja were.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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