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chapter ten; leonora carrington

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

chapter ten; leonora carrington

Maggie's sneakers tapped anxiously against the wooden bleachers as her gym class began. She was squeezed between Michelle and another girl named Alicia Adams, as the grades were separated in tiers, meaning seniors like Liz were a few steps up. Peter and Ned sat below, muttering to each other a little too loudly for her not to listen in to.

"Hi, I'm Captain America," the righteous voice of Steve Rogers chimed through the box television set at the front of the group, where Coach Wilson stood, his usual blank expression coating his face.

Maggie tried her best to remain focused on the screen, but her attention was caught by Ned whispering to Peter in front of her. Her eyes fell below, seeing the boy lean over, his voice hushed but not that hushed. "Do you know him too?"

Maggie's thick eyebrows furrowed curiously, her ears perking for Peter's response. "Yeah, we met. I stole his shield, but then he beat me up."

The girl pursed her lips, shuffling a little uncomfortably. How was he speaking so freely about this? It was a wonder no one had figured out his little secret already, considering how loud Peter could be.

Later on in the class, Maggie drank from her water bottle like her life defended on it. Gym was by far her least favourite class, as she was quite unfit and not keen on exercise. She glanced over to the bleachers to see Liz, Betty Brant and a few others talking amongst themselves. Liz perked up at the sight of Maggie, waving her over. The girl swallowed nervously, before walking over and sitting down on the wooden seat.

"Jones, that's not exercise," Maggie heard Coach Wilson grumbled. The teenage girl's eyes flickered over to Michelle, who was lifting her book up and down to please the teacher. 

"Not with that attitude," the tanned girl muttered, not bothering to space a glance towards the Coach, who shrugged and continued walking around. 

"We're play eff, marry, kill," Betty grinned at Maggie, before she held up her hand. "See, for me, it would be...eff Thor,  marry Iron Man and kill Hulk."

"What about the Spider-Man?" the boy sitting behind Maggie asked, causing her to tense up. 

"It's just Spider-Man," Liz shrugged. "Did you guys see the bank security cam on YouTube? He fought off four guys."

"Oh my god, she's crushing on Spider-Man," Betty chuckled, and Maggie felt her cheeks flush. "No way."

"Kind of," Liz admitted, biting the end of her thumb and smiling. 

"Oh, gross," Betty groaned. "He's probably like thirty. You don't know what he looks like."

"I wouldn't care. I would love him for the person he is inside," Liz insisted.

Just as Maggie turned to look at the senior, she (and probably the entirety of Queens) heard Ned yell: "Peter knows Spider-Man!"

Everyone in the gymnasium fell silent, and Maggie's eyes widened. She didn't know what to do, her surprised gaze falling on Peter, who shot up and began spluttering. Every student (besides Michelle, who kept reading), had their eyes on the boy, who was trying to come up with an excuse. "N-No, no I-I don't! I-I mean-"

MAGNOLIA 。PETER PARKER [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ