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chapter three; max ernst

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

chapter three; max ernst

It turned out that Peter was in a selection of Maggie's classes, she had just been a little too nervous to notice. He mentioned that he had seen her in Algebra that morning, and had caught her in the hall before she darted into her next class. He informed her of this this in sixth period when he, Ned and herself were tucked up in the centre of the room in Spanish class. 

"Sorry I didn't see you, I was really nervous, I guess." She muttered, and Peter smiled a little. Ned sat between them, his head moving back and forth, a small grin on his face. "D-Do you know if we have any other classes together?"

"Can I see your schedule?" Peter asked nervously, and Maggie pulled it out of her jacket pocket, handing it to Ned, who handed it to Peter. The brunet boy's eyes scanned the piece of paper, before he sat up a little straighter. "You have gym with us on Thursday and Friday, and you have Chemistry with Ned every other day."

"Sweet! We can sit together, I don't want to be by myself again this year." Ned exclaimed, and Maggie smiled a little. Ned wasn't too confident, but he was definitely more 'out there' compared to Peter, who was more timid and reserved. It had only been an hour since they'd met and she had already noticed that he was funny and loud, he talked too fast and he hated too much mustard on his hot dogs. 

Maggie didn't know how to respond, so she settled for an eager nod, which made the boys smile widen a little. Peter handed her back the schedule just as the teacher walked it, and Maggie took it, avoiding the flush in her cheeks when their hands brushed. She hadn't made contact with many people for years, especially a boy who was somewhat attractive. She couldn't deny that he was cute, but her general fear and embarrassment kept her from properly allowing herself to address it. 

"Buenas tardes a todos!" The woman wrote her name on the board at the front of the class, Señora Fernández. 

Maggie shoved her paper back in her pocket and composed herself, crossing her arms and awaiting the lesson with the familiar sickening whirling in her stomach. 


"Magnolia!" The enthusiastic voice of May Parker made Maggie jump in surprise. The curly haired girl's 'o' shaped face transitioned into an awkward smile as she turned to see the woman in the cereal isle. 

"Hi, Ms Parker." She responded shyly, and May chuckled. Even at the supermarket, she still appeared stylish. A striped shirt tucked into a pair of white jeans was enough for the middle aged woman to attract stares. Maggie could barely relate, her broad shoulders were tucked into a teal sweatshirt and a ripped pair of blue jeans. Unconscious insecurity flooded through her, even for reasons as ridiculous as the fact that May's trolley was half full compared to her overflowing basket. "H-How are you?"

"I'm good, I'm good." May could see that Maggie wasn't the best at small talk, though she didn't mind all too much. "How was your first day? I reminded Peter to find you at lunch."

MAGNOLIA 。PETER PARKER [DISCONTINUED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें