"Jasper," Edward mumbled. "She can't think."

The calmness in the atmosphere was suddenly gone and Kari blinked, looking around the group. She looked at Jacob, then Embry. She could barely get any noise when she spoke. The words surprised her, given they would've typically been directed toward Jacob. "No. Em, you can't. You'll get hurt."

"This is what we do," Jacob said. "We both know Sam would do anything to protect the tribe and our land."

Kari shook her head quickly. The leader of the group, a man with almost white hair, gave her a gentle smile. "I assure you we will do everything in our power to protect each other."

"My brother," Kari's throat was dry. She shook her head. "Jake, Quil... Embry. I can't lose them."

"You won't," Edward said. "Losing Jacob would hurt Bella just as much as it would hurt you. Costing anyone a life would hurt her. I promise we won't let anything happen."

Kari wasn't so trusting. Her only hope was for Sam to reject the idea completely, but even that thought was short-lived when she realized Jacob was probably right. She rested her head on Embry's arm, taking comfort in his warmth. She didn't notice Edward's confused look, and she wasn't looking forward to going home. The only person on her side, other than Bella, would be Emily. The three of them against the pack and the Cullens wouldn't do much. A time for training was arranged and the group of four piled into Jacob's car before going back to La Push. Kari fell asleep on the way home.

Embry carried Kari into the house, cradling her effortlessly to his chest, and sat on the couch while Jacob explained to Sam what they'd learned.

"Don't go," Kari mumbled. "Dangerous..."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Kari, you already know we're going to. I'd rather work with the Cullens than risk a bunch of leeches crawling around."

Kari was softly snoring again before Sam had finished speaking. Embry laughed. "I'll take her upstairs."

"She'll want to go with us," Jacob said. "She'll be mad if you leave her behind."

"I know," Sam said darkly. "And if I make her stay, she'll find a way to follow us."

"I can drive her and meet you guys somewhere," Embry volunteered, halfway up the stairs.

"We'll see."

Sam woke up Kari a few hours later, just before they left for the training. She was half asleep, but awake enough to know she wanted to go with them. She fell asleep again in the truck on the way to where Sam told Embry to park. He didn't want anyone too close to the vampires in human form. Kari was to stay at Embry's side the entire time, and to be at Sam's if anything happened.

"Kar," Embry said softly. He shook her arm. "We're there."

Kari blinked and looked around at the vacant lot they were in. "Where?"

"Sam didn't want me to get too close," he explained. "You can ride on my back the rest of the way."

Kari nodded. She got out of the truck and put the keys in her pocket as Embry ran off to shift into his wolf form. Kari smiled at the grey and black wolf that trotted over to her. "Hey."

Though flashbacks came to her from the night Paul got mad, Kari made herself climb onto Embry's back when he lowered himself for her. She didn't want him to know she was terrified inside, her hands shaking with her fear. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. Embry was still angry at Paul for what he did, and Kari couldn't make sense of it when Sam seemed to drop the subject himself. Before she knew it, Embry was trotting at a fast pace through the trees. It wasn't quite running and for that Kari was grateful. She wasn't sure she could handle that. When they entered the clearing Embry went to stand in line with the pack, and Kari slid easily off his shoulder to stand close to his side. She could see Bella standing with Edward on the other side of the open area. Pleasantries were exchanged before Jasper, the blond one with military experience and a slight southern twang, began instructing them. Kari's eyes couldn't keep up with the movements the Cullens were making. Everything happened at a blinding speed. She silently wondered how Bella could do it. She was scared enough around the wolves that were there to protect her. She couldn't imagine being surrounded by vampires all the time. They were more unpredictable and could strike before anyone could even think to stop them.

"Kari," Edward called. He was standing farther apart than she would expect for them to have a conversation. He seemed polite enough, but made no attempt to come closer. "I was hoping I could speak with you a moment."

Kari looked over at the black wolf, Sam, who made no move.

"I won't hurt her," Edward said to him. "Someone can come with her, if you prefer."

Jacob was already standing with Bella. Some of the vampires were sparing together. Sam looked at Jared, or who Kari thought was Jared, and the smaller wolf stepped forward. Embry tapped his nose to Kari's shoulder and gestured with his head for her to go. Kari moved slowly and stuck closely to Jared's side, almost tangling her fingers into the fur near his shoulder.

"What is it?" she asked politely.

"I can see you have your doubts," Edward said in a calm voice. "I'm not sure how I can assure you of our sincerity. None of my family would ever hurt you or the pack. All I want is for Bella to be safe again. I'm sure all the pack wants is to keep you safe."

Kari nodded, still unsure. "Edward, you don't understand how much they mean to me. The pack is my family. I've already... I've lost more than I can handle already. Don't let me lose more of my family."

Edward nodded. "I see that. Has anyone told you about the gifts my family and I possess?"

Kari shook her head and leaned closer to Jared.

"Some vampires have unique abilities," Edward said. "Jasper can feel and manipulate the feelings of those around him. Alice can see the future. I read minds. I can read yours now. I can understand what you're thinking better than you realize. Please believe me when I promise to do everything I can to bring everyone home."

Kari didn't care for Edward. She never had and likely never would, especially with the way Bella blatantly chose him over Jacob. She wanted to despise Edward, even if it wasn't his fault. She nodded curtly and turned away from him to go back to her newfound family. It was still odd for her to realize that both werewolves and vampires were real. She was also becoming delirious with sleep deprivation. Her body had become too accustomed to the extra sleep from when she was injured. She'd barely made it through the school year with passing grades.

Sam made a coughing noise, getting her attention, and gestured for them all to leave. Kari managed to climb onto Embry's back and held tightly to his fur as he ran through the trees. It was close to six in the morning by the time they reached Emily's house. Sam said nothing when he saw Embry go up the stairs after Kari. They both collapsed on her bed, Kari tossing her sweater to the floor. She flopped onto her stomach, a shiver going through her as Embry lightly traced a scar on her shoulder. It was seen clearly with her thin tank top. He continued to trace the scars he could see with feather-light fingers, his sadness reaching his eyes. Embry knew Kari was afraid of the wolves. He knew she was afraid of him. He was determined to do everything he could to keep her trust, because he couldn't see a life without her. Embry hadn't realized how much Karina Uley meant to him until he'd seen her on Emily's couch, torn open and bleeding because his own pack brother couldn't keep his temper in check. Though he could see in Sam's thoughts how horrible he felt for what he did to Emily, Embry couldn't help but wonder if he was feeling even a twinge of what Sam felt. Every fiber of his being was telling Embry to protect Kari until his dying breath. He knew he would, just as he knew Sam would for Emily and Jared would for Kim.

As a wolf would for his precious imprint.

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