-Sticks & Stones-

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I was sitting in my apartment enjoying the third season of the office for the second time and eating chocolate. Ah, I do love Saturday afternoons.

Suddenly, someone knocked on my door so I went to open it. There was Jack, my childhood friend, with cuts a bruises all over him.

"I got into a fight." He mumbled. I raised my eyebrows at him but helped him to the kitchen sink.

"You mean another fight." I corrected. He looked at me like a kid with his hand stuck in the cookie jar and I knew I was right. "What happened this time?" I went to fetch the first-aid kit.

"It was that douche-bag Hans again. He was talking trash about someone at a club down the street and I just so happen to hear—" I ran some cool water on the scrapes on his arm and began to clean them.

"And you just had to jump in punch him." I finished. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Uh, yeah, more or less."

"If you don't watch out and keep your temper under control you're going o have worse than a cut lip and some bruises." I scolded and I wet a paper towel and put it over his bleeding lip.

"I know." Jack muttered but looked down at me, hoping I would forgive him. I stared back sternly into his frosty blue eyes for a few seconds before smiling slightly.

"I'm not mad at you, Jackson. Just be more careful next time." He smiled back at me and nodded. I did always like his smile.

Wait what!?!? Did I just think that? Oh god I think I did! Its not that Jack's smile isn't nice-uh- I mean, its not just his smile, he's pretty handsome, What!? Stop thinking thoughts brain! *mentally face-palms*

Once I finished patching Jack up again I offered some of my left over pizza to him with he graciously accepted. We sat at my kitchen island and ate in silence. Usually silence between me and him wasn't awkward but this on was. I felt his eyes on me while I fiddled with the pizza crust on my plate.

"So. Who was it that Hans was talking about that got you so riled up?" I asked, breaking the quiet air between us.

"I'd rather not say." Jack said and took another bit of his food.

"Wrong move, Jack. Do I know them?"

"I guess you could say that."

"C'mon, you can tell me." I coaxed. He sighed and said something below a whisper. "What?"

"I said it was you. You were the one that bastard was talking about." My eyes widened. How could anyone hate me I'm like, the greatest person ever. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. just trying to be funny. I then wondered why Jack felt the need to beat someone up who said something bad about me, its not like I would care what they commented let alone something Hans said.


I could tell questions were running through Elsa's head because she was biting her lip. A habit of hers that's she only does when she's in deep thought. I always thought it was cute.

"What did he say?" She asked. I knew It wasn't because she was insecure about herself but she wanted to know why I got so riled up. She wouldn't understand that I got so mad because I've always liked Elsa, and hearing someone call her what Hans called her made my blood boil.

"Not great stuff." I answered, bluntly.


"...He called you a slut, bitch, and a tramp." I said quietly, I could bare to say them louder than that because Elsa was none of those things. She's kind and sweet, generous and hilarious but also stern and focused... and the love of my life but I'll leave that part out.

"Oh." She said simply.

"And I couldn't just stand my and let him call you those names because.. because I..." I trailed off, better not finish that sentence, Elsa doesn't feel the same way about me anyway.

"Because you what?" Elsa look at me with puzzlement. Her blue eyes gently but firmly boring into mine. "Because I love you" I wanted to say but it's harder than you think. Elsa bit her lip again and turned around so she wasn't directly facing me anymore, she probably thinks I'm mad at her for some reason which I'm not.

I put a hand gently on her shoulder and she looked back at me.

"It was because I... I like you." I stammered. She paused before saying anything.

"Oh dear god, why?" This immediately broken the tension between us. I did this next part without thinking. I press my lips against hers.


"Its was because I... I like you." Jack explained. My heartbeat quickened.

"Oh dear god, why?" I asked, trying to make the situation less tense. We both nervously laughed for a second that Jack gently put his lips onto mine. I froze and didn't know how to respond but then my brain finally turned on again.

Kiss him back, dummy

Ohh right!

I put my hand on the side of his face to draw him in closer and he put one of his hands on the back of my head. After a few more seconds we split apart and smiled awkwardly at each other.

"You kissed me." I stated, more to myself than to him.

"Was I not suppose to?" Jack asked and smirked at me with made my face heat up.

"I don't know, but could you do it again?"

Whoop! Lets to Jelsa! 💙💙💙

Read, comment, vote, and enjoy 😊


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