-Heroes don't fall for villains-

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(A/N: Originally this would be a 2 parter but I kinda like the ending for this chapter)


Beep, beep. My eyelids opened suddenly to the unexpected noise. I rolled over to look at the clock on my nightstand, it read 3am. I was prepared to go right back to sleep but the beeping sound started again. I finally realized it was my watch that was implanted with a communication system. Walt, the head of the agency that I work for, must be trying to talk to me.

I quickly grabbed the watch and pressed the screen, then Walt's voice could be heard.

"Elsa, theres been some signs of criminal activity in you're sector, I'd like you to check it out." He said.

"Yes sir, I'll go check that out."

"Good, I'm sending the coordinates to you as we speak." I thanked him then hung up. I pulled on my suit (picture above) and a pair of combat boots, then climbed up the fire escape to the roof, where I followed Walt's coordinates by jumping or creating ice bridges between roof tops. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I have power over ice and snow.

The building that Walt had sent me to was an older building that was used for a warehouse. Company's would store some inventory here until they could be moved elsewhere. But I have no idea why anyone would break into her much less steal anything, I mean nothing in here is that valuable.

The lock on the door was picked so I quietly slipped inside. The large room was dark and musty, but the few windows placed along the walls let in dim, silvery light.

I ran my fingers along the wall, looking for a light switch. Instead I came across an electrical box, but the wires leading into it were slashed.

"What?" I mumbled under my breath to myself.

"Looking for this." I whirled around and saw a man in the rafters of the ware house, waving the cords from the electrical box at me. He had a dark blue hood over his head but I could see his snow white hair underneath it. I shoot some of my ice at him but he dodged in and jumped down so he was a few feet in front of me.

"Ice powers, cool." He said, leaning on his staff that had a g-shape on the top.

"Who are you?" I asked, my hand still raised at him incase I had to blast him with more ice.

"James bond." He answered then laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you here?" I continue.

"Wow, so many questions." The mystery man said, he walked over to one of the crates and opened it, then grabbed something and pocketed it.

"You do realize stealing is against the law." I said.

"I don't steal. I take what I need, not what I want." He answered.

"At least tell me your name." I sigh.

"Jackson Overland. But my friends call me Jack."

"I'm not your friend."

"Rude." He muttered. "Now are we going to fight or are you going to let me go. Because I have places to be." Jack said impatiently.

"Fine." I fired some ice shards at him but he somehow jumped up onto the rafters again and disappeared into the shadows.

"You're really bad at this." Jack's voice came from the other end of the warehouse.

"Thanks." I mumbled sarcastically. "I will hurt you if I have to!" I warned. I heard a 'thump' behind me and I turned around to see Jack.

"If you were going to hurt me you would have already. I get the feeling you're new at this."

"I've actually been doing this for about two years." I said.

"Ah, so its a 'I didn't want these powers in the first place' thing." Jack guessed. He was actually spot on, I was born with these abilities and I got thrust into the hero business.

"You don't seem like you're everyday villain." I said.

"First of all, I'm a thief. And second of all, I have a strict code of conduct. I don't kill, nor do I steal from individuals."

"You just stole something." I pointed out.

"You mean this blank flash drive, no one has bought it yet and its not one of a kind." Jack explained, holding up the flash drive.

"Its still against the law." I argued.

"Its for something important." Jack said, under the impression that that would change my mind.

"What is so important that you have to steal instead of going to the store an buying it?" I demand.

"I'm not exactly welcome in public." Jack scratched the back of his neck.

"I have no idea why." I said sarcastically. "So I'm going to have to take that flash drive back."

"After all the work I did to get it?" He sighed.


"Fine, but can I ask what you're name is." He asked.

"Why would I tell you my identity?" I question.

"Because I'm not putting up a fight. I won't tell anyone." Jack promised.

"For some reason I believe you... Elsa, my name is Elsa." I answer.

"What a pretty name for a beautiful pereon." He said, I'm glad it was dark so he couldn't see me blush. "Well, here you go Elsa." He walked up to me and looked at me dead in the eyes, then leaned forward and handed me the flash drive.

His stunning blue eyes didn't move from my face. I really hate myself for thinking this but he's rather handsome. Out of nowhere he pressed his lips lightly on mine. I froze, my mind went blank and I felt a shiver go up my spine. Then as quickly as it started, it was over.

"See you around." He smirked at me, then disappeared.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked myself. Then I looked down at the flash drive in my hand. I put the drive back in its crate then start heading back to my apartment.

Hey so that was part one of this story. I know its not the greatest plot developed story but if you've made it this far than maybe you liked it.

Any who, I hope you did like it and if you did make sure to vote because that is important to me to know what you thought.

Happy 2019, I thought we would at least have flying cars by now...

Read, comment, vote, and enjoy


Jelsa ❄️ One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now