Chapter One.

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Enjoy because I enjoy writing this.  BY THE WAY ~ MEANS A TIME SKIP!


        "Eren!" Grisha, my father, yelled. This was an everyday thing. Beating and bruises. "Coming!" I yelled back. "Go to the store and get groceries for your mother and I." Hew slurred, obviously drunk. "I don't really have a choice, so alright." He glared at me and laughed. "Don't sass your father faggot. I thought you figured that out a long time ago."  He punched me right in my honey brown eye. I didn't react much. What is there to be surprised about when this is a daily routine. He started throwing nasty words at me like, "Faggot, worthless idiot, wish you were never born." Things like that. After being told those everyday, you start to believe them. " Can I have the money now ?" I sighed. He rolled his eyes and walked to get his wallet. He threw about 15 dollars at my feet. I reached down to get the money and got a knee to the same eye he just punched. I fell backwards and quickly grabbed the money and got on my feet. I could feel my eye starting to blacken already. I quickly walk to the door and open it. I slammed it shut. 

        I live in the middle of nowhere. My father may be a total idiot, but he ,makes good money. There are only about five houses around me. One across from me and the other four are spread out across the vast fields. The distance between my house and the one across is only a small gravel road. I looked at the large house and noticed a moving van. I rolled my eyes. I saw a short male, moving boxes. He had a white tank-top on and black skinny jeans. He had a sleeve tattoo, followed by one on his neck. He probably had many piercings, but he was a bit too far to actually tell. This guy was hot as heck, I'll admit that. He looked at me, and we made eye contact, until I broke it by getting in my car. I put the keys in, and looked at him one more time and pulled out. As I drove out, a girl, about his age came out the door and started talking to him. "Probably his girlfriend." I thought. 

        I turned on the radio and plugged my iPhone 5s into the stereo. 21 Guns by Green Day played through the speakers of my car. I smiled softly at the song. 


When I get to the story I hurry to get everything I needed. I look at the list my father threw at me when he 'gave' me the money. Cheese, milk, eggs,and tea bags. I counted up the prices and I had about 3 dollars left. I decided I would get myself some Skittles, because who doesn't like Skittles, I mean seriously. As I was paying, the cashier gave me a worried glance. "Do you need an ice pack, or something to help with your eye?" I read her name tag, it read Krista. I smiled at her and shook my head, meaning no." No thank you, I'm alright." I smiled at the small blonde girl. She scanned all the items and it added up to, $11.59. I tried to give her the money, but she denied it. "Don't worry, it's on me. I think you have more things to worry about. " Krista said seriously, with a smile on her lips. "I can't let you do that, it's too much." She rolled her eyes, playfully. "Too bad. She slipped twelve dollars from her pocket into the register and locked it. "We are closing, and now you can't pay, because you can't get into the register." She grinned. I laughed and a tall girl walked up behind Krista. She glared at me. "Who's this?" She said, still glaring. I saw her name was Ymir and I smiled and shook my head. "No need to worry, I'm interested in guys." They smile and Ymir looked at me. "Sorry, boys tend to hit on Krista, a lot." I laugh. "Well, I better leave, see you two!" I smile, and start walking away. Krista grabs my hand and says, "Sorry, I never got your name!" She releases my hand and I smile. "Eren. I have to go, see you two again sometime." They smile. "Bye, Eren! Hope to see you soon!" I walk out of the now closed store. 

        I didn't even realize the time,10:07. I was in there for a while. My father is more likely to be asleep so I don't have to worry.


        I slowly got out of my car, noticing, the moving van was now gone. It still confused me why someone would start moving in so close to night, but it's not my main concern right now. 


        I starting driving to my new home with a moving van following close behind. I had Erwin in the front seat of my car and Hanji in the back, talking about her favorite show, the one with Titans, I believe? I'm ignoring her fangirling and focused on driving. While I was still a stupid senior in high school, Erwin and Hanji graduated together two years ago at Titan High, where I was now transferring to. I was home schooled my whole life and Erwin thought it was a good idea for me to see what school was actually like. I hated the idea of going to school with annoying, messy, brats, but I thought since Erwin did so much for me, I would repay him by doing this. I had a good job and I thought I should move into my own home, giving Erwin some space for himself. 

        Let me explain why I lived with Erwin and what he did to help me so much. When I was fourteen and he was sixteen, I told him I was gay. He didn't hate me, he actually gave me a hug and told me he wouldn't look at me differently, at all. I told him about how I should tell my parents, even though they aren't fond of the idea of people being gay. He told me my parents would understand, after all, his parents were great friends with mine, and that's how we met years ago. 

        I told my parents and they kicked me out as soon as I said I was gay. Erwin kindly took me in as as I bawled on his shoulder. That had to of been the worst day of my life. After I got kicked out, I got a job and helped pay for the rent. When I was fifteen, I got into tattoos and piercings. I have a sleeve and a tattoo on my neck, followed by my chest. I have a lip piercing on left side of my face.( A/N You can't see it in the cover because it shows his left side.) I have my ears pierced with black studs. 

        Soon enough, we arrived at my new home. We started quickly unpacking the van because it was going to get dark soon because I'm an idiot and decided moving at 8:00 at night was a great  idea. 

        As I grabbed a box, I heard a door close from the home across from me. There stood a boy, about my age, with a horrible black eye. I was across the small dirt rode, and I could tell it was bad even from this far. He looked up and I noticed how beautiful he really was. It was hard to see his eyes, but I could tell he had heterochromia. We looked at each other for a few more seconds until he looked away and got in his car. 

        I shook my head from the thoughts of the beautiful boy next door. I heard Hanji giggling. "Shut it shitty four-eyes." I rolled my eyes. She laughed and smiled. "Hey Erwin! Levi's got a thing for the neighbor boy already!" Erwin soon walked out and laughed at my angry expression. "Hanji, I looked at him for a second! Calm down!." I sighed quietly. "This girls hormones are going insane." 

        "Alright, but you can't deny the kid isn't attractive. " She smiled. I smirk and say, " You are right about that one." She jumped up and down, squealing. 

        This girl will be the death of me.




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