Chapter 10

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Grian pov

I slowly open my eyes feeling a unfamiliar warmth around me. I lift my head and to look at where the warmth was coming from. I feel my face heat up realising it's mumbo and remembering what happened last night. I get up without waking up mumbo and head downstairs seeing Sam and taurtis playing a game. I feel my heart drop remembering everything that happened with Sam..... I shake those thoughts away and make tea as pearl comes up and meows. I look at her food bowl remembering I forgot to feed her last night. "Ah sorry girl" I say out loud to Pearl. "Oh your up grian " taurtis says I look at him. "Yeah.." I say pouring some food into pearls food bowl. "How'd you sleep "Sam asks coldness in his voice. "Okay.... " I say petting pearl and then finishing making coffee. "So. Grian why don't you come and visit at Tokyo soul anymore" Sam says making a shiver run up my spine remembering those bad memories. " just busy " I say stuttering I feel s hard glaze on me I decide not to look at Sam. "Busy with what? " Sam asks I hold my tea my hand shaking. " and stuff" I say yet again feeling a hard glaze staring at me. "Sooooo are we all gonna keep being awkward or go back to normal" taurtis says I look at Sam and see a flash of anger but then nothing . I feel shivers run more up my spine as I drink my cup of tea wishing mumbo was awake. "Sammmm why don't we have a game crab anymore" taurtis says to Sam. "Because you broke it" says Sam . They continue talking as I sit holding my head scared of what is to come if I don't listen to what Sam saying.

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