I fell asleep in Elena’s bed with her and it felt nice to have an actual friend for once. Life gets a little lonely when you’re wandering around alone.


The next morning, I woke up before Elena did and got ready for school. When I come out of the bathroom, I’m dressed in the same clothes I wore yesterday. I find Elena packing all the vervain filled jewelry into her bag. She smiles at me.

“If you don’t want to wear your old clothes, you can pick something out from my closet.”

“Thanks Elena but I doubt I’d fit your stuff.” I motioned towards her hips. Elena was a bit curvier than I was and I was at least a good two inches taller than she was. She was probably around 5’5 while I stood at 5’7.

She shrugs. “Then let’s go. I’ll drive.”

Once we arrive, we head our separate ways. Elena goes to find her friends so she could distribute the vervain jewelry and I just wander around the school. Unfortunately, I bump into the person I least wanted to see.

“Hey Aly!” Matt greets me.

“Oh, hey Matt,” I continue to walk by him, desperate to get away.

He grabs my arm. “Is something wrong?”

“Uh no,” I mumble. “I need to go.” I hurry away from him as fast as I could, leaving him staring at my back with a confused look on his face.

I hastily bump into someone and I apologize, only to realize it was Caroline.

Oh what a wonderful morning this was turning into.

“Watch where you’re going,” Caroline snarls at me.

“Excuse me for not having a blonde bitch radar installed,” I say sarcastically.

“You know what? You’re the real bitch here. You come to town as a new girl and you act all high and mighty. Meanwhile, you’ve done nothing to deserve any of the attention you’re receiving from everyone. You act as if you could care less what anyone thinks, but all the guys here are all smitten by your good looks already. If only they knew how much of a bitch you were,” Caroline spits at me.

“Gee Caroline, I’m not the one that displays my inner ugliness in public all the time. Maybe if you actually tried to be nice, people would actually like you. You’re just a really dumb and really fake girl.”

“Fuck you!” Caroline shrieks before attempting to take a swipe at me.

I manage to dodge her strike easily and I grab her wrist and twist it painfully. She gasps in shock, all the anger and rage at me turning into an expression of fear and pain. I feel pleased when I see the tears start streaming down Caroline’s face.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

Matt comes out of nowhere and yanks my arm off Caroline. The stupid bitch has the nerve to whimper and cling onto him. Just the sight of the two of them makes me so angry that my vision turns red.

“What the hell is your problem?” Matt asks outrageously.

“My problem?” I say in a deadly quiet voice. “I don’t have a problem. It’s not my fault if your girlfriend is a bitch and snob.”

“You hurt her!” Matt yells at me. He didn’t even bother to deny that Caroline wasn’t his girlfriend.

I suddenly felt very drained of energy and emotion. “You know what? I don’t even care anymore. This is a waste of my time and I am leaving. Goodbye and good day to you all.”

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