Chapter 2

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From then on, Number 4 trained with the others. Her other powers were revealed, it turned out she was more powerful than any of her siblings. Stronger, faster, smarter. Day by day, she became more powerful.

Hardgreeves feared that if she became too powerful, she would too hard to handle. He figured the best way to control her was through her one true family connection. 

Calling her to his office, he readied himself for the blow. Number 4 walked through the halls with caution, she was still figuring out her powers after having them for 5 months. Readying herself for most probably some more verbal abuse, she walked through the door to his office. 

Hardgreeves stood by the window, watching the world through his window, a world e hoped to save. Turning towards his adopted daughter, he knew wat he had to do. ''Sit down Four.'' She slowly made her way to his desk, carefully making sure her posture was perfect, trying to limit the amount of things he could be angry at her for. 

''What I'm about to tell you is important, I'm trusting you take this information maturely and logically. Can you do that?''

''Yes.'' Whatever he had to say, she wanted to know. She had known for a while that he was hiding something, Number 4 had tried to reach into his mind, but somehow he had found a way to block her. 

''You have a twin brother. He lives here at the academy.'' 

Number 4 sat in shock, her hands fiddling with blazer. She tried processing the information, but all she could feel was shock. Who could it be? She had never really been close with her adopted siblings, she had only ever stuck by her sister Number 8, Vanya, and Number 2, Diego. For . Yet still she hoped, hoped for a close connection. 

''Number 5, can you come in here please?''

Number 4's shock spread across her face, could Five be her brother? She was about to find out. Five walked into the room, his usual look of smugness painted across his face as usual. 

''Number 5, as you know I called you in here to tell you something important. You have a sister, she is apart of the academy. I would like to introduce you to Number 4, your sister.''

It was evident from Five's face that he was just as shocked as she was. However this did not hinder Hardgreeves. ''Now that that is settled, you two may continue your training.''

The newly found out siblings shared a look before walking out the room. Walking out of the room, it was clear they both had things they wanted to say. 

Five was the first to speak. ''So ... twins huh, I guess it makes sense.''

''What do you mean it makes sense?''

''We're the two most powerful ones here, also we have the same hair and nose.'' Now that she thought about it, she could see the resemblance, she just never had a reason to look for it until now. 

''This is crazy though, how do we know for sure, what if Dad's lying to us?'' Even as she said it though, she knew that it was pointless, they both knew that they were twins. What they didn't know, was what they were going to do. So they did what they thought best. 

They carried on. 

They went their separate ways, down two different hallways, one leading to library, the other to the training room. Number 4 quickly changed out of her uniform and into her training gear. Grabbing some gloves she quickly started destroying the punching bag. Each punch was her response to the questions running through her mind. Why had she not been told sooner? Why was he telling her now? Why does she feel so strong? 

Number 4 didn't hear the footsteps, she also didn't hear the person calling her name. She didn't realise there was someone there until they tapped her on the shoulder. Caught by surprise, Number 4 turned, grabbing her supposed attackers arm, and twisting it behind their back. Number 2 tried not to show that he was in pain, but Number 4's grip was too strong, even for him. Realising who he was, Number 4 let him go, noticing how he grabbed his arm, trying to stop the pain she had caused.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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