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The New Directions were done for because the Warblers beat them. Everyone but Santana and Izzy were blaming the loss on Marley. If anything, it was all Kitty.

In an effort to try and get her back, Finn and Blaine were following her. Correction— harassing her. It was very creepy.

"You lost sectionals, and we made a deal," Izzy said.

"Please?" Blaine asked. "You did so well, and you didn't even know the choreo until twenty minutes before we performed."

"There is no glee club, anyways," she said, hiding her smile.

"Maybe there will be," Finn said, filled with hope. Izzy felt bad for him, he always got disappointed in the end.

"Maybe," Izzy repeated.

"So? Is that a yes?" Blaine raised his eyebrows. "Sam's gonna be there."

"Oh shut up," Izzy tried to hide her blush. "There's more to me than being Sam's girlfriend, you know."

"I know, like being an awesome Cheerio, and one of the best dancers," Blaine stated. "You should really teach Sam, he needs it," he added.

"Hey!" Izzy tried her best to look offended. "Sam is a great dancer."

Blaine started to laugh very hard, making Izzy hit him on the head. "Yeah, you just enjoy his body rolls, don't you?"

"Shut up Blaine, I don't sexualise my boyfriend," she stated.

"But he does sexualise you when he talks about your cheerios uniform," Finn laughed along with Blaine.

Izzy rolled her eyes in response, trying to escape them as she walked faster.

"So? Finally willing to admit you like the body rolls?" Blaine teased.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you win Blaine Warbler," Izzy had a playful look on her face.

"Focus! We're trying to get her back to glee club," Finn said to Blaine. "But really, will you join?"

"If glee club still exists, I'll come," she said, feeling better after having a couple laughs with them.


"So that's it, no more glee club?" Sam asked.

"Not until next September," Finn said disappointedly.

"Sugar already bailed," Artie said expectantly.

Izzy was somewhat relieved. Sugar Motta was a terrible singer, and they were definitely better without her. No offence to Sugar.

"Can I just say what everyone is thinking? This is Marley's fault. New Rachel my butt. I was friends with Rachel Berry. I knew Rachel Berry. And you Marley, are no Rachel Berry," Tina said.

"You act like your Rachel Berry, Tina. How close were you two really? This wasn't Marley's fault so quit blaming her," Izzy said, frowning at Kitty. Marley gave her a small smile in return.

"There's a holiday concert later this weekend and we're going to be preparing for it. If this is our swan song, let's make it the best it can be," Finn said.

"You really expect us to go up in front of the whole school and parade or loserdom for all to see?" Kitty said.

"Yeah Kitty does have a point," Artie said.

"We agreed to do the show when it was on the heels of another sectionals victory, now it just feels like a pity party," Tina said.

"Let's just look forward to our big comeback next year," Finn said, hoping for the best.

"What about those of us who don't have a next year?" Izzy mumbled, but everyone heard.


"Oh hell no," Izzy said, looking at Blaine and Tina's brand-new cheerios uniform.

"What happened to you?" Tina asked.

"I joined the marching band," he said.

"We joined the Cheerios," Blaine said.

"And Coach Sylvester let you?" Izzy asked, not believing that Blaine and Tina would ever become Cheerios.

"It was way easier than we thought," Blaine replied. "I mean, you got in without even auditioning."

"Okay, Blaine Warbler, but I can actually cheer," she said in a sing-songy voice.

Blaine had a small smile on his face. "Yeah, I remember Kurt telling me about your cheer phase, you almost got shot out of a cannon," his expression faltered at the mention of Kurt's name. Izzy shuddered at the thought of Sue's cannon.

"It's weird not feeling like your part of anything," Artie said what everyone was thinking.

"That's why we joined the basketball team," Ryder said.

"That's why you joined the basketball team. I joined the basketball team because I'm good at basketball," Jake said as Izzy laughed, giving him a high-five.

They heard a clutter of noises as Unique came in, knocking over everything in her way. "That's right. I joined the McKinley floor hockey team," she said. Turns out she wasn't so good at hockey.

"Well, it looks like we all sort of moved on," Blaine said.

"Yeah, looks like it," Izzy sounded disappointed.


The meeting at night was supposed to be a success. Finn had organised it, but it seemed like no one really cared. Much to Izzy's dismay.

"I'm really sorry, Finn," Izzy said. Nobody had shown up other than Izzy and Marley, and Finn was very disappointed.

"This is all my fault and now glee club's over," Marley said, looking sad.

"No, it's not," Izzy reassured her.

"Well, us three are still here right? I'll lead you two to your dreams. Even if I'm a terrible glee coach," Finn said.

"Don't say that, Finn. If you were really that bad, you wouldn't have us here. Hey, even the band's here," Izzy said, motioning towards the people they never really acknowledged.

Finn's eyes lit up. "You're right! What are we doing here waiting! We're glee club! Let's sing!" he exclaimed with a smile.

While they were singing, the rest of the glee club appeared out of nowhere and joined them, reuniting them. Maybe they did have hope, hey, if Izzy didn't get a victory senior year, maybe the rest of them did.

"I can't believe you came!" Izzy shouted.

She pulled Sam into a giant hug, and for just one second, everything was okay. "I couldn't leave you on your own out here, a bear could've mauled you."

"Are there bears in Ohio?" Izzy asked, confused. "But I'm glad you came."

They stood there happily, talking about other things, and witnessing Finn's comeback. One he definitely deserved.

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