sunflower • ELEVEN ♡:

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plot: you and your friends were having a battle with the bad men and the army of multiple Demogorgons and you hit your head hard against one of the walls and get sent to the hospital immediately after that. Your friends stay there for you and treat you like a princess but Eleven just gives you more because of your feelings for her :') (ahhh I'm gonna cry) enjoy!! <3

Y/N's POV:

I wake up and see a white ceiling. I slowly get up and feel pain in the back of my head.

"Ah!" You exclaim feeling the stinging feeling.
"Oh sweetheart. You're awake." You look over to where that unfamiliar voice was and there was a nurse sitting there by the machines for you.
"Wh-Wh-Where am I?" You ask stuttering in fear.
"You're in the hospital sweetie." She says typing some stuff on the monitor.
"What happened?" You ask curiously.
"You got a concussion from the.... Monsters? What are they called?" She asked herself.
"The Demogorgans...." You blurt out.
"Yeah those.." She says continuing on what she was doing. Then you felt anger... Those vicious demons... Then your friends came up in your head.

"Where's my friends?!" You ask quickly.
"They're in the waiting room. Please honey can you calm down?" She asks.
"I will until I see my friends!" I say annoyed.
"I will Miss. Y/L/N! Just give me five minutes." She says exiting the room. You groan impatiently falling backwards and landing on your bed. You slowly close your eyes again and fall asleep.


"Y/N!!" You hear a familiar voice shout out. You gasp sitting up quickly seeing your friends.

"Guys!!" You yell. You all get in a group hug and start crying and laughing. You all pull away and start talking about crazy shit (idk I'm lazy lol).

"Is there anything else we can do for you?" Mike asks you. You've been with your friends for about 10 minutes now and there were already balloons, flowers, gifts surrounded all over you making you chuckle.

"No." You laugh softly. Mike nods making sure and turns away. You and Max look at each other like they're crazy.

"What's up with them?" You whisper shout to Max.
"I don't know. They're being all protective and lovey dovey for you." Max whispers and shakes her head.
"Lucas wouldn't!" You whisper shout again.
"Oh shut up!" Max says playfully slapping you. You laugh and look over at Eleven who has been very quiet the whole time in the room. She was looking at you with tears in her eyes but she was also smiling so big. She was actually the only one that didn't send you a gift but that didn't bother you at all. She was honestly the gift you ever wanted. Ever since you met Eleven, you fell in love with her. You related to her a lot (even though she's been through way worse than anyone else has) and you just felt a strong connection with her. You didn't want to tell her or anyone else about it because you knew it would probably ruin the connection with her and you didn't know if she felt that way with a girl before. She's with Mike anyway... Great. But you still couldn't get over her. She was like a big part of you.. You look at her in concern.

"El? You doing okay?" You ask motioning her to come to you.
"Yeah." She breathes out. She covers her mouth to try to hold herself together but she couldn't. Just seeing her like that broke your heart.
"What's up?" You ask softly.
"I'm just so happy you're alive." Her voice cracks.
"I really am! You're my best friend and... I don't know what I would do without you!" She sobs. You hug her tight quickly and she cries in your shoulder.

"El... It's okay. I'm here. I'm alive." You chuckle. You rubbed her back and she wiped away her tears as she looked at you.
"I'm right here and I'm alright." You smile. She smiles back and nods.

It was still dark and you woke up feeling like something was wrong. You groan and look at the clock and it said 5:15 am. You shrug it off and before you close your eyes you hear something. You heard footsteps coming to you. The light turned on and there was Eleven.

"El? What are you doing here?" You asked in confusion and shock.
"I'm here to see you." She admits quietly.
"What? What about Becky and your mom?" You ask.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you so I left home and came here."
"Please Eleven. You need to go back home now. Becky is probably worried sick right now." You say feeling guilty knowing it was your fault.
"No." She says giving you the stare. It wasn't as intense when she would do that as she's using her telekinesis but nothing happened and her look was slightly softer.
"Okay. You can stay. But can you please call them later? That's the only condition that I want if you're going to be here." You say in a serious tone.
"Okay good thanks." You sigh in relief. You looked down and you see she had something in her right hand.
"El what's that?" You ask pointing down. She looks down and chuckles softly.
"I brought you something." She smiles. She hands them to you and they were sunflowers.
"El I-"
"I wanted to give you those because... I know they're pretty and they make me think of my mom so... I hope you like them." She says quietly.
"I love them El. But you don't have to give me these." You say afraid to look at her.
"You deserve it." She says slowly.
"Deserve? Is that the right word?" She asks in confusion.
"What does that word mean again?" She asks you.
"What? Deserve? Oh! Um... Deserve means.... To give someone in return or worthy? Something like that I'm not the best with words either." You laugh.
"That's good." She sighs in relief. Then you realize it must be kind of embarrassing for her to learn new words that lots of people use and she's never heard of. You yawned and she tucked you in.

"Here let me take these." She says taking the sunflowers and finding a white vase.
"Thanks El." She poured water in it and placed the sunflowers inside the vase. She placed it on a counter next to you and smiled at you.

"Goodnight Y/N." She whispers.
"Goodnight El." You smile. You close your eyes and fall asleep again.

You wake up again feeling weird again. You roll your eyes in annoyance confused on why you kept doing it. You then looked down and realized that Eleven was on your bed cuddling you. You were in shock but also you didn't do anything. The chairs in your room didn't look that comfortable and you feel more relaxed when she is with you. You smile and cuddle her back and fall asleep again.

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