meeting • EDDIE ♡:

143 2 5

self harm warning :( with drugs and some fluff:

I was a new girl in Hawkins high school. I've already seen some weird shit happen around town so I didn't feel comfortable not only because of that and also it was new for me. To move out to somewhere I haven't been and seeing unusual things around. I headed inside having my backpack behind me and holding a binder with my schedule on top. I was so confused with the building, directions and where to go. I got made fun of already them knowing I was new making me upset but somehow holding myself together.

It was lunch and you felt miserable. You had no idea where to sit feeling awkward with students snickering and staring at you. You sigh leaving the building looking around on where to go. You see the woods and start walking in there. You find a spot and feel calm being in a quiet surrounding. You finish your lunch and look at your watch seeing that you had 15 minutes left to spare until lunch is over and going to your next class. You felt depressed. You felt like everyone hated you and you felt like you wouldn't ever fit in during the moment. I take out a razor from my bag and look at my bare arm. You've been clean for several weeks seeing your light fading scars on your arm. You sigh shaking your head starting to slice your arm. You start bursting out in tears putting your razor away burying your head in your knees. You were mad at yourself from breaking that habit but you also didn't know what to do with yourself. You start to wipe away your tears thinking you heard someone. You heard dried leaves crunch down on the ground as someone was walking. You see a unfamiliar long haired guy walk by you and see you.

"Hey." He says kind of awkwardly.
"Hi." You sniffle putting your stuff together and ready to go back in. He kneels down to you and notices your red puffy eyes.
"Hey.. you okay?" He asks you in concern not breaking eye contact with you.
"Yes. I'm fine." You say pressing your cut arm against your denim jacket to try to apply pressure on the rest of the blood that was leaking through.
"Okay.. Need a hand?" He asks putting his hand out towards you. You nod grabbing his hand him helping you up off of the ground. You notice a zip block bag in his pocket and notice he's holding some kind of brief case in his other hand.
"What's that?" You ask pointing at it. He looks down and chuckles at himself.
"It's just some drugs. Mostly marijuana. Want some?" He asks.
"Sure." You both find a table and sit down as he's getting everything out. He gets out a similar bag of weed holding it about to give it to you.
"That'll be $20." He says. You widen your eyes feeling your pockets knowing you left your money at home. You could've used some bills on a vending machine in school but for some reason you just didn't think about that.
"Damn it." You curse under your breathe.
"Broke?" He asks.
"Not really.. I didn't even think about bringing money here.." you say sadly.
"You new here?" He asks putting his stuff back in his brief case.
"Unfortunately yeah.." you sigh.
"Why unfortunately?" He asks sadly
"I don't know. I got pushed around and picked on on my first day today so everything isn't going well.." You choke trying to hold back tears.
"I've been picked around too you know that?" He asks.
"Really?" You ask in shock.
"Yeah. I was just a different kid with a shaved head getting made fun of and stuff." He says chuckling at himself again.
"You seem like a pretty cool guy. I don't understand why people would do that.." you say confused.
"People are sick.. I think you're cool too." He says smiling. For some reason his smile made your heart warm. Maybe that's what you needed after that miserable half of your school day today.. Or there was something about him that made your heart spark when you first saw him help you.
"What's your name?" He asks not breaking the smile.
"Y/N." You giggle. You look up at him and tilt your head waiting for him to introduce himself.
"Yours?" You ask.
"Eddie." He says walking up to you shaking your hand. He opens his case again and gives you the bag.
"On the house."
"No shut up. I can't take this.." you say feeling bad checking your pockets again to be sure you didn't forget cash.
"Hey y/n it's okay. You can have it." Eddie smiles. You look up at him with puppy eyes then sighing taking the bag.
"Okay Ed's. But I owe you." You say not breaking eye contact as your putting the bag away in your backpack.
"Okay then." He laughs making you do the same. The bell rings making you both turn your head towards the school building.
"Alright. We should probably head back." He says closing his case again and standing up. You nod and get up starting to walk with him.
"Nice talking to you y/n." He says giving you a simple hug.
"Nice talking to you too Eddie." You say feeling yourself blush.
"See ya later then." He says walking separately from you now.
"See ya." You smile waving at him. You both enter different doors thinking you both had a different class. For some reason you could stop smiling and shed a few happy tears. You throw away your lunch and head to your locker to put your stuff away and get your binder for science. You had trouble finding the room again but you managed to find it on time. You sit down in a random desk setting your stuff in place when you look over to see Eddie in front of you on the right waving at you with a smile making you shock and wave back smiling big.

might make a pt 2 idkkk

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