"Can I get a cigarette?"

"I've quit smoking." he corrected himself rather quickly. "or better still, I'm trying to quit."

"Why?" She queried, slanting him a questioning look as she slipped her hand into her handbag and brought a packet of cigarettes.

Chris took the lighter from her and helped out. "I am now a father, Gabriella."

"But that doesn't mea—" She paused, her words suddenly died down. She instead shocked Chris by saying. "Congratulations on your baby boy's arrival. He's very handsome. You must be proud you fathered him."

Chris raked a hand through his dark black messy hair, frustration eating him alive. The only little escape to his problem right now is the cigarette layed sprawled before them. But damn him if he was going to light one up. He needs to fight his addiction and live a better life henceforth.

"Just so you know, Gabriella. It's was never my intention to impregnate her."

"What happened?"

Chris watched her crushed her burning cigarette on one of the coffee saucer he must have left there and took her drink before letting out. "I was horny and then..." He swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "I couldn't stop myself even though I didn't have a cond*m on me. I still went ahead and sleep with her."

"You could've come to me?"

"To you?" A frown furrowed his handsome face. "I don't sleep with my best friend."

"Nothing strange with that." she took a mouthful of her drink and continued. "Mike and I hit it off whenever he's in—"

Chris choked on his breath, shock written all over his face. "You and Mike hit it off? As in s*x?"

"Yes. You seemed so surprised?."

"Of course I am surprise!" he snapped, startling Gabriella out of her wit. "It's not right sleeping with one's friend."

"You didn't find it wrong sleeping with a maid either." Gabriella gave a savage reply, instantly shutting Chris up now. She sighed as she managed to calm him a bit. "It's just s*x, Chris. Why are we friends if we can't help one another?"

Chris mumbled unintelligently against his breath but said nothing as he gulped down the whole beer in a go. He leaned back against his chair and watched her light on a cigarette once again. This time Chris didn't offer to help out, and thankfully Gabriella hadn't demanded he do.

"I am getting married to the mother of my son."


"You aren't surprise?"

Her dark-green eyes flashed up at him, a smile on her face as she asked. "Why should I be?"

He shrugged. "Because it's sudden, and things aren't going the way I want."

"Like keeping your scandal away from your family?." she leaned closer and stared him down unflinching. "The instant you tell them you had father a baby with a maid." she gastured around the huge mansion and winked at him. "That day you lose all this including your family."

"I would never allow that happen." he protested strongly. "I love my family too well to be shot out of their lives forever."

"Then keep your private life a secret from them." she said gaining a frown from Chris in the process. She held up her hands in defense. "I know the guys had been telling to let your sister and mother knows you have a son with their maid. But what do they know actually? Guys will always think with their d*cks everytime."

His Secret Baby(Sample)Where stories live. Discover now