I Lay Awake Wondering

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I lay awake wondering if the reality I use to dream about would ever come true.

I lay awake wondering if the mistakes I have made in the past actually shapes who I am or not.

I lay awake wondering how things could have gone differently if only I had decided to do things differently.

I lay awake wondering about the opportunities that I have missed because I was too scared to reach out to try new things.

I lay awake wondering why I am the way I am.

I lay awake wondering about the small things that life has offered me and how they have forever changed my life.

I lay awake wondering if the people I became friends with were ever my real friends or if I were blind to see otherwise.

I lay awake wondering if every relationship that I have been in has ended badly because of me.

I lay awake wondering about all of the small things and all of the big things that happened in my life, wondering if this is really how my story should really go.

I lay awake wondering what my future is going to like; is it going to be bright or is it going to be dull?

I lay awake wondering at night why I think about all of these thoughts rather than actually going to sleep at night.

I lay awake wondering every night and each night can be a different topic that would only last a few minutes before the topic changes and I continue to wonder for the entire night.

I lay awake wondering.

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