A Non-Binary Soul

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In the shadows of a judgmental past,
I hid my truth, too afraid to last.
Homophobic families, gender stereotypes,
A world that boxed me with no respite.

Deep within, a flame did burn,
A non-binary soul, eager to learn.
I shed my shackles, took a leap of faith,
Unveiled my colors, no longer a wraith.

The journey was long, but I held on tight,
Breaking down barriers, with all my might.
Discovering my voice, resolute and clear,
Sharing my tale, devoid of any fear.

My family grappled, unable to comprehend,
Yet I stood resolute, refusing to bend.
I strive to enlighten, reveal my essence,
Hoping they'd embrace the true existence.

For I am a prism, adorned with hues,
A tapestry of identities, that imbues.
In my truth, I found my pride,
No longer bound by others' design.

I am a warrior, fierce and free,
Defying labels and conformity.
As I rise, with my non-binary grace,
I'll light the world, with my unique embrace.

For in the unity of souls set free,
We'll forge a world, where acceptance can be.
No more hiding, no more disguise,
Just love, understanding, and open skies.

So let us break down walls, and shatter norms,
Embracing differences, and all their forms.
For in the tapestry of life, we'll see,
A non-binary soul, that's proud and free.

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