chapter 10

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authors note:
incase you guys were wondering here's what alice looks like:

authors note: incase you guys were wondering here's what alice looks like:

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alice: hey! i'm free today if you want to hangout
ethan: sure, you want to come over? i can give you the address
alice: sure
ethan: *the address*
alice: on my way:)

about 20 minutes later i hear the door bell ring so i get up off my bed and walk to the front door and open it and she smiles

"hey! it's so nice to see you" she says and we hug
"it's nice to see you too" i say smiling back "how's LA treating you?" i ask as i lead her to my room and we both sit on the edge of my bed and we continue to talk

"well so far it's been really nice, my meetings have gone pretty good and i might even get promoted soon" she says
"oh really, what is your job?" i ask
"i'm in the interior design field, and so far i help my boss with some ideas here and there and now she's thinking about promoting me to be able to help design it all myself , so i'm really excited" she says
"wow, that makes me look bad" i say as we both laugh

"why do you say that" she asks
"well me and my brother are youtubers, we both love it but sometimes i think about what i would actually be doing if i wasn't a youtuber" i say
"yeah.. i get that" she says


after i left ethan and grays place earlier i was not in that great of a mood.. so i decided to call olivia to see if she wanted to hangout but she said she was busy so i call amanda

"heyyy what are up to" -em
"emma do you really think i would be bust right now" -amanda
"well.. no" -em
"exactly" -amanda
then they both laugh
"so you coming over?" -em
"yep, be there in 10" -amanda

about ten minutes later she arrives and we joked around and started doing random crap around my house and having the best time ever then we decided to have a runway show and tried on some of my random clothes that i never wear and the outfits we picked out either made us look really hot or really ugly but in a funny way then hours and hours went by then we decided to watch a movie for awhile

"what movie should we watch" amanda asks
"oh my gosh wait we should watch jersey shore!!" i say with excitement
"emma it has 6 seasons and it's not a movie it's a show and i think we both know we're gonna end up staying all night watching this show and we won't even get to finish it" amanda says and we both laugh

"wow that's so true, okay fine we can watch something else" i say laughing still
"ooo how about Hachiko?" she asks me
"sure why not" i say and i press play

after the movie ended i was crying because of how sad this movie is. it's about a dog and well i'm not explaining the rest

so i grabbed my phone and saw that it was at 10% so i get up off my bed and look for my charger

it's not on my nightstand, it's not on the bed, its nowhere to be found and i started to get irritated real fast

"ughhhhh where the heck is it" i say as i'm annoyed
"where was the last time you had it?"
"well- oh i know where it is. its in ethans room. well i guess i have to drive over there even though it's... 11 o clock at night but whatever he's probably awake anyways"

"alright well i'm gonna head home as well i have plans tomorrow and i have a feeling if i stay here we're gonna be up all night" she says and i laugh
"yeah you're probably right" i say laughing a little

then we say our goodbyes and she leaves and i put on my shoes and walk out the door to my car, then i pull out my phone to text ethan

em: hey, i'm coming over to grab my charger real quick, be there soon<3

i was kinda irritated with him earlier but i just got over it because i'm not gonna be the jealous girlfriend

for the past hour i've been scrolling through social media and i'm finally bored out of my mind, so i decide to go see what ethan is up to, i get up off my bed and walk to his door and open

"hey eth- oh hey alice, what are you doing here?" i ask either of them
"oh we're just hanging out" ethan says
"okay, then never mind" i say as i'm about to close the door
"wait, gray what did you need" ethan asks
"nothing" i say and close the door and walk back to my room

okay... i know my brother. and i know he would never cheat on someone. but come one let's be honest do you see alice? i'm not gonna lie she's gorgeous, well so is emma but still...

it's like.. emma already feels like she's not enough for ethan recently... and here he is hanging out with alice all alone in his room and i doubt emma even knows. he's making dumb decisions right now.. and you know what i'm just gonna let him deal with the consequences.

*knock knock*

i hear but it's not coming from my bedroom door so i get up and walk to the front door and open it

"oh hey em, what are you doing here" i ask
"i just forgot something here earlier" she says
"oh okay, what is it?" i ask
"my phone charger, and you know me it's not like i have another one lying around my house, but i think i left it in e's room so i'll just go get it" she says and walks past me

"oh uh it's okay, i can get it for you" i say and speed walk over to where she is
"gray it's fine, plus i get to see ethan" she says and i sigh

please please please tell me nothing bad is going to happen. please.

then she takes a couple steps forward and opens the door to see alice leaning in to kiss ethan then ethan hears the door open and he glances at emma and i could see the fear in his eyes when he sees that she's here

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