chapter 3

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it's been two days...and what have i done? nothing i've laid around my house making coffee with my new coffee machine ethan got me, then post mating a lot food, and laying around watching tv.

i really need to get out more.. like this is getting bad

*knock knock*

wait what, i'm not expecting anyone

i sigh and get out of my bed and walk down the stairs to the door and open it
"HEY EM- what happened to you??" olivia says

then i look down and see my outfit: sweatpants, a sweatshirt, as my hair looking greasy and horrible because i haven't showered in 2 days because i haven't left my house

"oh nothing, i've just been chilling here...doing nothing" i say and she nods slowly with a concerned face expression
"okay... go shower and get dressed we are going out!" she says happily as she walks in, and shuts the door then grabs my wrist and pulls me upstairs

"you're right... i do kinda stink" i say as we both laugh a little

later after i showered i got dressed and me and olivia left to go to phils coffee of course
once we arrived we got our coffee then walked around a LA shopping place nearby looking at clothes we don't need but will probably get anyways
as we were looking inside brandy melville's at some jeans olivia asked me about ethan

"when is ethan coming back?" she asked
"umm in 4 days maybe 5 days, why?"
"i'm just seeing how much time i get with you, until he comes back and then your too busy for me" she says smirking a little

"aw olivia we will still hangout of course" i say
"i know, i know i'm just kidding but sometimes i do get jealous on how much time he gets to spend with you" she says as we both laugh
"well until he comes back i'm all yours " i say hugging her

we hung out for a couple hours then we decided to go back to my place and chill for the rest of the day and watch movies

once we got at my apartment we went straight to my couch and sat down and turned on the tv and put on a movie from netflix

then during the movie i feel my phone buzz and then i grab it and see who texted me

ethan: hey
em: hey, how's new jersey
ethan: fun, me and gray went on the four wheelers today and got lost in the woods
em: that sounds dangerous
ethan: eh kinda lol
ethan: what have you been doing lately?
em: well me and olivia we went shopping today
ethan: that's good, i was hoping you wouldn't be laying around your house all alone the whole time
em: ya ya i know, but i've actually been doing stuff for once, and i do have other friends remember
ethan: yeah i know, well i gotta go help grayson with some stuff, so i'll talk to you later:)
em: bye<3

"whatttt are you doinggg" olivia says looking over at my phone then i turn it off and put it back down
"nothinggg" i say smiling
"well, how is he" she asks as i laugh a little
"he's good" i say and she smiles then we both look back towards the movie then we fall asleep around 3 am

[next day]
in the morning
"EMMM" olivia says
"EMMMAAAA" olivia says again
"what? what time is it " i say half awake
"10 am" she says as i open my eyes and see her sitting up on my bed
"oh" i say
"also i just made plans to go snow boarding today!!" olivia says
"you did what??" i say sitting up now that i'm fully awake and somehow i'm in my bed when i clearly remember falling asleep on the couch

"come on, get up and get dressed we're going snow boarding tonight" olivia says
"okay, but where " i ask confused as heck
"coloradoooo" she says happily
"so we're flying to colorado...?" i ask
"yep, so come on!! hurry and get ready and i'll pack your stuff" she says

"okay" i said as i zombie walked to the bathroom tired as heck and brushed my hair and put it in a bun like usual then went to my closet and got dressed wearing a over sized sweatshirt and some leggings with my nike air forces of course

then i come out of the closet and olivia isn't there
"olivia?!" i yell
"downstairs making coffee!" she yells back
awe how sweet of her
then i grab my phone off the charger and walk downstairs to see 2 suitcases by the front door

"hey liv... i just are we paying for the plane tickets, and hotel? and what about your clothes??" i ask her as she grabs the coffee cups and walks towards me

"my parents are paying for the plane tickets, and i hope you don't mind me and you splitting the hotel cost" she says
"oh yeah i don't mind, i was just confused on how this is all happening" i say

"don't worry i got everything planned" she says smiling
"it's gonna be a girls trip!!" she says
"WOOO" i say as liv joins me
(btw i made em have liv as a nickname for olivia)

a couple minutes later
"oh, our uber is here to take us to the airport, let's go" she says
"okay" i say

then we grab our bags and walk out the door and get in the car (uber) and drive off to the airport

once we get at the airport we check in, and go through security then get some food after we're done then we head to our gate and chill for a little under an hour, then we board our plane

[couple hours later it's now 4 pm]

we finally made it to our hotel after our plane landed and we got a uber to take us here
"wow, this hotel is nice..." i say
"em look!" she says facing the the french doors that lead to the balcony

then i walk over and see a great view, with snow everywhere and a mountain in the distance.
olivia picked a nice hotel... like it's right by the snow boarding area, how convenient is that? 

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