chapter 8

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then me and ethan both walk over to the couch and sit down and we all begin talking about random stuff and enjoying each other's company

you see.. you don't just always find a great friend group out of no where, and especially when we all blend well together.. sure were all in the face of the public eyes but in reality we all are real people and we all are real friends some still have yet to realize that

"emma?" james asks me
"huh" i say getting out of my thoughts and then looking at james and everyone else
"you okay?" grayson asks
"yeah, just caught up in my thoughts..." i say then i glance at ethan and he gives me a look basically saying that i'm lying which i'm only half lying

"don't you dare give me that look ethan" i say and he begins smirking
"and what look is that" he says as he knows he's teasing me

i'm just shaking my head no while smirking then i grab a pillow and start whacking him with it and him laughing then i fall on top of him as we're now laying on the couch and start laughing as well

"okay guys come on let's focus we need to start brainstorming ideas for our collabs" james says
"yeah, james might go insane if we don't come up with anything soon" grayson knows

then me and ethan sigh as we both sit up and look at them
"yeah, and who's the one that always comes up HIS video ideas" ethan says
"oh you better watch your self" james says and we all start laughing

as the night went on and we didn't really come up with anything because me and ethan kept on goofing around while james was talking to purposely make him mad and grayson couldn't help but laugh with us sometimes

if you ask my it was a pretty fun night, until we all decided to crash, due to our lack of sleep

"alright i'm going to bed" i say as i slowly stand up off the couch and begin walking slowly to ethans room
"ethan?" i say because i'm not sure if he's coming or not
"coming!" i hear him say

then once i walk in his room i purposely face plant on the bed with my feet dangling off
"i'm so tired, ughhhhhh" i yell into the mattress

after i helped james set up his sleeping area grayson had already walked off into his room and went to bed, then i said goodnight to james and walked off to go join my gorgeous girlfriend in my bed

"hmmmammmmmuhhhhhh uggghhhhhhh" i hear as i enter my room and i see emma's face stuffed into the covers and into the mattress

"hey em, come on let's go to bed" i say as i grab her to move her so she's fully on the bed and she just groans and then lays on her back with her eyes closed making me laugh a little

then i take my shirt off and keep my shorts on and then i get into the bed covers and then emma opens her eyes and sees me there then she closes her eyes and smiles then she rolls over and puts her head on my chest

"hmmm" she hummed, well at least she sounds happy and pleased with herself

i for one wasn't that tired, so i went on my phone for a little bit then about and hour later i get a text from alice

alice: hey, i'm on my way to airport right now, then i'll be on my flight in a couple hours
ethan: sounds good, when will you land? i could pick you up from airport if you want
alice: i have a ride already, but thank you, besides i have plans tomorrow with some people and some meetings
ethan: ah, so that's why you came to LA
alice: well that's one of the reasons
alice: anyways i better get going, i have to get through security then get to my gate
ethan: okay, text me when you land so i know
alice: alright bye:)
ethan: bye:)

then emma starts to move around and then she wakes up and looks at me
"e what are still doing up..." she says sleepily
"huh, i just...couldn't sleep" i reply
"whatever" she says sounding annoyed then she rolls off of me and faces away from me and goes back to sleep

she's either cranky, or half asleep but she does not sound happy.. maybe i should go to bed.. ya.. sounds like a smart idea to me

[next morning]

when i wake up i look around as i don't feel or see emma anywhere in my room and i sigh then i get up out of bed and walk out to the kitchen and i don't see anyone then i walk out to the living room and i see james still asleep on the couch

where the heck is emma, whatever she's probably in the bathroom, i'm going back to sleep


"GRAYYY" i hear as i get tackled by emma on my bed and i jump up in shock
"what, what's wrong emma, what happened" i say
"i'm hungry" she says and i sigh deeply and then i lay back down dramatically
"go wake up ethan, and make him go get you food" i say and she roll her eyes at me

"why can't youuuu" she says shaking my body
"emma seriously why can't ethan get you food" i say
"just because me and him are dating doesn't mean he has to do everything for me, and besides what if i wanted to spend time with you, but i guess that's just TOO MUCH TO ASK" she says as she suddenly starts to get angry

oh god...

"emma no-" i say but she cuts me off
"no what? lately it feels like no one wants to see me, they're just TOO BUSY ON THEIR STUPID PHONES AND THEY DONT GIVE A CRAP ABOUT ME" she says as she's getting more angry by the second

"i'm sorry okay just-" i say but she cuts me off again, then she gets off the bed and stands up
"i'm just so. tired. i'm annoyed. i'm ANGRY. and IM HUNGRY!!" she says

"okay okay i'll get you food, just let me put on a shirt and shoes and we can go okay?" i say calmly because last thing i want is for her to yell right now, i'm barely even awake
"fine. i don't care.." she says

then she sits down on my bed then i sigh and put on a shirt and some shoes and i grab my keys
"where would you like to go" i ask
"phil's." she says
"alright, let's go then" i say tiredly

then she gets up and we both walk out of the house and get in the car to go get some food and i'm guessing coffee

i am honestly so confused as to why emma is such in a bad mood.. it makes no sense
like did ethan do something? is it that time of the month? who knows she's just not her normal happy self at the moment and i'm not sure how to help

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