Another portal?

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"Hi!" Alejandro said when Mariah finally reached the locker room. They had met in the secret room behind a locker. Everyone was there, and they just waited for her while she narrowly escaped death.

"You took a while, we thought..." He trailed off and looked away, but everyone was thinking the same thing. That she might've been killed.

"Hey," Mariah responded. "Almost. But it'll take more to kill me!" She smiled a goofy smile and sat down on a box, winded from running all the way.

"Well, that's probably true, " Jared said. "But you said almost. Like what happened?"

" Well, I was standing in the pool of water, and the guy we met in the lobby was there. Then a knife flew out of no where and killed him. I ran, but heard the murderer coming and hid in a rock's shadow. She must have seen me, because she charged at me, knife in hand. But I have this spray paint, " She held it up, "And I sprayed her square in the face. It apparently blinded her, because she stopped and I was able to run away."

"That's amazing, " Holly said, laughing. "That's funny to picture."

"Well, I can't believe it actually worked. " Mariah said, then added, "It probably would've been funny if I didn't just escape death."

Holly nodded in agreement.

"What knife did she have?" Dan asked.

" Oh, frostblade, why? " Mariah asked.

"I'm looking at the player stats. The players name is Alexdayda541, and she's level 45." Dan said, scrolling on his tablet.

"How'd you know she was the murderer? " Jason asked, in puzzlement.

"She's the only one in this server who owns that knife," Dan said, raising his eyebrow a bit. They soon scrunched up, and his face suddenly looked worried.

"What's wrong? " Kevin asked, equally as worried for his friend.

"She has all the perks." Dan said back faintly. "Youknowstealthghostsleightfakegun.." He said everything without pausing, and everyone had almost no idea of what he was saying because he was speaking so fast.

  Mariah suddenly snapped her fingers. "The gun!" She exclaimed, "Does anyone here have it?"

"How would I know if I have it?" Kevin questioned. "Oh, that's how." His hand had fazed right through his gun like Mariah's had.

" I have it! " Jared said, holding it up. "But, I've never actually shot a gun before, you know like in real life, I've hardly shot nerf guns."

  Mariah came up to him. "I know some," and showed him how to hold it, where the safety was, then proceeded to tell him what the safety did when he asked.

"Thanks," he said to Mariah. "But can't you do it? Because clearly you know more and I do, and I don't feel fully comfortable with it."

" I can't, " She said. "See?" She proceeded to grab the gun. Well, tried to anyhow. When she tried to grab it, it was stuck to Jared. She physically couldn't take it.

"It's locked to you," Alejandro said. " Like in the game, no one else can get it unless the sheriff dies, then he drops it. Only then can someone else get it. "

"I know you can do it," Holly said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I mean it could be worse, I could've gotten it." She tried to cheer him up with a little joke, and it worked because he smiled slightly .

"Hey thanks. And I know right you are terrible with the gun!" He said with a chuckle. "But let's go get this murderer."


Everyone climbed down the ladder from the locker room. Mariah peered out the door, but saw nothing except shadows and darkness. An occasional drop of water was heard, but that was all.

"Should we all go together?" Alejandro asked.

"I don't think so. We'll just be a bigger target for the murderer," Mariah replied.

"Maybe we should split into two groups and meet where the pool was. It'll make a clearer shot for Jared." Dan suggested.

"That's a great idea," Jared said, looking very nervous. He had his hand resting on the gun as if ready to pull it out at any signs of the murderer.

"Ok I'll go with Jason, Dan and Holly, how's that sound?" Kevin asked them, and they nodded in agreement .

"Well, I guess the rest of us will go together," Alejandro said to Jared and Mariah .

"Yep," Jared replied. 

  Everyone stepped out into the hallway, which seemed a lot more scarier than it had been a few minutes ago.

"We'll go left," Mariah said, then indicating with her hand.

"Ok be quick," Dan said to everyone.

"If you see the murderer just run. I'm sure real life people can run faster than game mechanic people, " Holly said, with certainty and panic in her voice.

  Dan, Holly, Jason and kevin, headed quietly down the right tunnel. Mariah watched them go, then waved her hand for Jared to lead, and Alejandro to follow. They crept down the tunnel, avoiding loose rocks, and dodging puddles. She thought she heard a noise, and stumbled, but quickly got back up.

  They reached the end of the tunnel, where the pool is. Looking around, Mariah didn't see the rest of her friends here. They should've gotten here already, she thought.

"I don't see Dan, Jason, Kevin or Holly," Jared said, frowning.

"Me either," Alejandro said, and started to pace.

"Maybe they just got caught up," Mariah said, hopefully, trying to convince herself.

  They all stopped dead when they heard a metal scraping sound echoing from back in the tunnel. A scream and some shouts was heard, then was quiet. Then more shouts, and Dan, Holly, Jason and Kevin burst out from the tunnel that Mariah, Jared and Alejandro had just come from. They were running so hard, they sent up basically a tidal wave when they hit the water, and stopped. Holly looked ready to faint, and Dan was clutching his arm, which looked to be bleeding profusely. Kevin bent over, breathing hard, but straightened himself up and pointed at the tunnel while Jason screamed, "THE MURDERER IS RIGHT THERE!"

  And indeed she was. She now had a smile that looked crooked, and the shadows cast on her body, making her look truly intimidating. Even the dog on her shirt looked evil. The knife she held in her hand gleamed off of the little light that shone through the ceiling. She stopped for a moment, and a bubble appeared over her head. It's just you guys left, I don't know where you were hiding, but I've found you. "

  She rushed towards Alejandro, and he hopped out of the way, but she kept chasing him. "Jared! The gun!" He screamed in panic. Jared raised the gun, and his hands shook violently, so much, the gun threatened to fall out of his grasp. It seemed to be in slow motion. Jared pulled the trigger to the gun, and it let out a crack as the bullet left the barrel. At the same time, the murderer hurled her knife straight at Alejandro, right for his back.  But the bullet flew faster than the knife, and in a flash of light, they were back in the lobby.

  Alejandro almost fell over, and his breathing was shuddered in relief. "Nice shot Jared," he told him.

" Yea. Thanks, I can't believe I did that. I am so glad I did though," he said back, shaking.

  "Yea, thank goodness. We won the game! But why are we back here?" Mariah said, emphasizing the last part. "I thought we were done! We aren't supposed to come back here, right?"

" I don't know," Holly said, nervously. Alejandro started to speak, but his mouth dropped when his words were cut of by a splintering sound. Mariah looked over and saw a portal, swirling with colors, like the one she had seen in the slenderman game, but this time it was in the side of a building.

  Mariah began thinking, in the slenderman game, they had collected all the pages. Basically meaning they won. That's when the portal opened. They won here and a portal opened. One of these surely has to lead us home, Mariah hoped. Without asking her friends opinions, she ran past them, and jumped right into the portal.

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