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When Mariah went through the portal, it almost felt the same way it had when she was zapped into the game, except she was falling. Am I going home? She thought. She felt excited at that very thought, they had found all the pages so they surely  must be! Besides, where else would they go? A smile spread across her face. She heard a whoosh of air, and felt being lowered to the ground slowly. The smile, however, disappeared when she saw where she was.

  Tall buildings made a wide circle around her, with bushes, uncut grass and fences scattered at the bases. There was one open building open with a canopy over the entrance stairs. In the middle of it all was a water fountain with a stone statue of a person with a raised knife in their hand standing in it. The murder mystery two game lobby. And it was still in real life.

  Mariah knew exactly how this game played out, one person is chosen as the murderer, one person as the sheriff, and the rest are innocents. The murderer had to kill everyone to win, while the sheriff has to kill the murderer, and the innocents have to stay alive.

  Looking down, she saw she still had her normal clothes on, but she also had a gun holster around her waist, and a knife holster on her back. She saw they had the same skins on them she had equipped the last time she played, hallows blade was the knife, and vampire was the gun. Taking out her tablet once more, she saw the options were on it like the normal game, the shop, inventory, and the players stats. The only thing that bothered her was spectate, because the only way to spectate, was if you died. And if she died, then that was it. Meaning, if she was on the ground, that spectating wouldn't even be useful.

  Clicking on inventory, she saw all of her knife skins. Clicking the skin 'bats' for the knife, the pulled it off her back and saw that it had changed. Putting her knife and tablet away, she remembered her friends. Where were they? Did they somehow come with her? Are they ok? All of her questions were answered, when she walked into the building that was open, the voting room, and saw all of her friends there.

"Guys!" She exclaimed. "You're here, but how?" She questioned.

"Well, I got the last page, and I heard a sound. When I came out of the room I saw you jumping into a must've been portal," explained Holly. "Then a flash of light and I was here."

"Yea, same thing here," Alejandro said.

"But I thought we'd go home, " Dan said, his face scrunched in worry.

"Me to," Mariah answered sadly, "but apparently not. I don't know why we are here."

"Maybe these are tests? But this is a stupid way to do it, " Jared said, crossing his arms.

"I don't think so, the code Mariah used wasn't on purpose or anything, and I don't think Roblox would do this, put kids in danger," Dan commented.

"Wait, when the game starts, what happens if none of us are it, and we get stabbed by the murderer?" He asked, sounding as if though he didn't want to know.

" Well, " Mariah breathed. "I'd think of as we're affected in slenderman, we will be here to."

" That mEAns wE will like rEAlly get stAbbed??? " Kevin asked in alarm, his voice squeaking on some words.

"I'm pretty sure," Mariah responded, while Kevin looked like he was about to faint.

"We can't take that chance," Alejandro said, "as soon as we go in, we need to find each other, see if one of us is murderer, or sheriff, and if not, hide. "

"Good idea," Holly agreed.

" There's only two minutes left for this game, " Jared said, watching the previous game play out on his tablet.

  The murderer was only level 1, and all of the people in game where still alive, which was why no one else was in the lobby besides them. They were silent the rest of the game time, just standing inside the building nervously and watched the game on their tablets. Mariah began looking at the players stats. The other players didn't have ridiculously high levels, which was good, and she was actually the highest level there, followed by Jared then Alejandro. The rest of her friends were in the levels 30-50.

"You guys know these maps, right?" She asked, looking up from her tablet.

"Yea, I know all of them," Jared replied.

"Me to," Alejandro said.

Holly and Kevin nodded.

"I know most of them, except for the new ones, I think it's office 2, and factory," Dan spoke up.

" Ok, I was just wanting to know, since in every map there's secret hiding spots, were we could possibly hide, " Mariah explained. "If one of us were to say something we would all know it, and run to it."

  Right then, the previous game ended, and all of the other players spawned in. Some of them walked into the building they were in. They looked so weird since it was in real life. The way they walked just wasn't natural, and anything they did didn't seem right. They seemed stiff, and some animations people had on made them seem robotic. Compared to them, Mariah and her friends looked so realistic.

"Man, you must have on a mad rthro skins and animations, " one player said, coming up to Jared.

" Oh uhh yea, " he replied back. He began to shift his feet uncomfortably, and his face grew puzzled when the man kept staring at him, and didn't reply after a few seconds.

"I don't think they can hear us when we talk for real," Holly said. "They probably can only talk to us if we chat through our tablets."

" Oh yea, that makes sense, " Jared said back, taking out his tablet and typing a response to the man.

"WOAH is that the tablet? The rare Roblox tablet??" The man exclaimed, his character stiffly jumping around, painfully stepping on Mariah's foot.

"oh uh, yes," Jared typed back.

"How'd you get it?" The man demanded. "Its so rare."

" Um, well, I bought it, " Jared typed, not knowing anything else to say.

"Dude, I'm looking at it on the catalog, and you're not listed as a owner," The man said back, with a suspicious face emoji. "You're not hacking are you? HACKER!"

" Dude I'm not, we are um game testers, " he replied frantically, not wanting to draw attention to them at all.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense."  The man said back, as Jared breathed a sigh on relief.

"Wait, are you testing those animations you have to? Wow, your mouth even moves, and your eyes blink!" the man continued, calming down a bit, but getting riled up again by those thoughts.

  Mariah's tablet beeped, and she switched it on, just in time to see the countdown timer go to zero. There was another flash of bright light, and her and all of her friends were transported into the game.

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