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  Mariah pressed her keyboard buttons to move her character on the screen around the slender man game lobby, waiting for the previous game to be done. There was only 5 minutes left. Floating_donught joined first, then followed by the others.

'nice shark hat darius,' superKillmachine commented after the both joined.

'thanks bro, it was on sale,' He replied. He was wearing a grey shark hat that resembled a shark biting his head.

'hi guys!' Colleen said, her character walking to us and jumping a couple times, in front of everyone who had now formed a circle to talk to one another.

'so how long are we going to play this game for?' Wolfheart120 asked.

'we are just going to play about 4 rounds,' Mariah replied, 'so however long that takes.'

'the games about to start,' Batmanweems said, jumping around.

  Mariah glanced at the game timer that was in the top middle of the screen. It counted down from 2 minutes, meaning a new game was going to start soon.

'oh hey I'm back,' floating_donught said unexpectedly.

'oh, I didn't know you where afk,' Dariuskai said to him.

'oh I guess I didn't say so, whoops,' He replied, with an embarrassed smiling emoji. 'but I got back just in time.'

'yea, literally JUST on time,' superKillmachine said to him, just in the nick of time, because right after the countdown timer hit zero, and everyone was teleported into the game.

  They spawned together in a dark run down cafeteria, that was in a map that seemed like an abandoned school. She noticed that a player, not one of her friends had joined them. It made sense since 8 people could be on a server.

'just remember,' Mariah started to type, 'it's just a game, so if your the slenderman, don't hesitate or say sorry or anything like that.'

'got it,' Wolfheart120 said back, the chat bubble above his head glowing brightly in the dimly lit room. Soon after everyone agreed, as they all part ways.

  Mariah turned on her flashlight, since it was very dark, and steered her character out of the cafeteria doors, and into the hallway. It turned out to be the locker hallway, and quite a few had been knocked down. She jumped her character over the lockers, occasionally stopping to look behind them for pages.

  As you know, in slenderman games, it's the players goal to find a certain amount of pages to win. And why slenderman wants these pages, we dont even know. We just know for some reason we win if we manage to collect them all.

In this instance, the players had to collect eight pages.

  Looking at the bar on the top of the screen, she saw the number of players still alive, 0/8 meaning everyone was alive, the gameplay time which was 7:43 minutes left, since the game just started, and the number of pages collected, 0/8. It glowed green for a moment, indicating that one page has been found, and changed to 1/8.

  She turned a bend in the hallway, and her screen suddenly went fuzzy and loud whispering filled her ears. She uttered a little yelp, and turned her character to look at the ground. She started running though rooms till she thought she was far enough away. She had looked straight at the slenderman. She looked around to make sure he wasn't following her, and thank goodness he wasn't. Looking at him had put her characters energy to 87%.

She walked into a classroom, and nearly had a heart attack, because floating_donught was standing right there.

'oh my gosh you scared me so much,' she said to him, her character jumping because it had scared her, causing her to smack the jump button on her keyboard.

'sorry i didn't mean to,' He replied.

'it's alright,' she said back, turning her character towards the door.

'I found that one page,' He said, turning to the door to go out, Maria's character following him.

'nice! Just 7 more. Also I checked all this hallway, nothing was here,' she said to him.

  They turned down the hall the opposite way she came, and they turned the corner. Just as they did, whispering then horrid noises flooded Mariah's ears. She had looked at the slenderman, again, then he grabbed her! Her character struggled as she spammed her mouse on the escape button that slowly filled a bar. Her heart beat so fast watching as her escape bar was almost full, but her energy was going down. She slipped free of its grasp with just 31% energy left. She quickly moved her character into a room to hide for a moment while her heart calmed down.

  She started to type something, but it came out as, ' gosahhh.' She ment to say gosh, but was startled by floating_donught coming into the room and typed ahhh.

  She suddenly heard a loud beeping noise. It continued for only a short moment then a voice started to talk, "code GOSAHHH has been used, continuing with procedures."

  Mariah sat stunned. What did that mean? A code? And what procedures? Before she had any time to think of any more questions, her computer screen lit up so bright she squeezed her eyes shut, then she felt like she was being  zapped all over her body. After it ebbed away, she opened her eyes. She was in a room that looked just like the the room she was just in, in the Slender man game.

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