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"The TRG's?" Glock spoke making sure he heard her right

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"The TRG's?" Glock spoke making sure he heard her right. "Yeah," she spoke confirming what he had already heard before.

He knew of the TRG Brothers, or better known as the ToRanG brothers. They were big in Louisiana and ruthless when it came to selling drugs and had big connects all the way in Florida and Texas. They had tried to do business with his father to get product, but their father had declined... and now everything was starting to make sense. Haseem and his club getting shot, it was them, but they ain't know who they was fucking with when it came to Glock and his family.

Glock wasn't with that drug shit, never was but he was the shoota and everybody knew it. Even the ones who decided to stupidly shoot a gun through his club. But they must didn't want their life. Glock just wasn't sure how to handle the shit.

"So what are you gonna do?" Hazel asked.

"Ion know," he spoke back. "Not right now. I gotta other shit to worry about," he spoke rubbing his hand across his head. "Like What Glock? Think, anything can happen to us dealing with them?"

"You scared?" He spoke looking at her, and she smacked her lips. "I'm never scared," she spoke looking him directly in his face, with a mug.

"Aight then," he spoke as his phone buzzed. "Bye Zel."

She didn't say anything as he walked out of her penthouse and down the stairs. He checked his phone.

555-230-4509: wryd?

Glock: shit.

555-230-4509: I'm bored. Come keep me company. 🙃😋

Glock bypassed her messages going to text somebody else.


"Let me see what's in here to cook," Delion spoke to herself, going into the kitchen since she was now home alone, and opening the refrigerator seeing a empty refrigerator besides water and lemonade.

She sighed going to her cabinet and opening it to see chili, and a box of chicken noodles. She settled for what she had at the moment since she was hungry as hell and grabbed a pack of noodles, but got on Ubereats to order her some Chinese to be delivered as well. She ordered her usual chicken and broccoli with a side of steamed rice and put her card info and address in, and was done. Her phone buzzed with a text message and she looked up at it.

Glock: wyd?

She looked at the text message confused. When did they exchange numbers? Must've been when she was drunk; she didn't know as she found herself texting back.

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