A Strippers Diary

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"BITCH WHO YOU TALKING TOO?!" She heard one of the girls yell back in a ugly voice. "IM TALKING TO YOU HOE!" The girl yelled back, and instantly they started fighting. Delion' looked but didn't say anything, minding her business as she continued putting her lip gloss on her thick lips.

She wore a simple bustier with a diamond thong, and her hair up with some up and some down reaching the bottom of her ass, as she stood at a height of 5'5 being really short. Which she hated with a passion. She wished she was a little bit taller, but she wasn't. And never had been, since she was born. She was pretty, always had been, but never felt like she was it. She just thought she was average, nothing more, nothing less, most likely from lack of confidence and insecurity. But despite that she kept herself up no matter how thick she was or down she was, she always carried herself as if she was rich.

 But despite that she kept herself up no matter how thick she was or down she was, she always carried herself as if she was rich

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Hearing her name, she looked up. "Boss need to see you," the girl known as Mercedes spoke, ironically popping bubble gum in her mouth. She didn't say one word, getting up and walking out of the office and towards the door of her boss's office.

She knocked, being that she didn't wanna just barge in. "Come in," she heard, his deep and dark voice speak. Her boss Apollo. She sighed, but not wanting to waste anytime she opened the door. "You wanned' to see me?" She spoke with her accident, being that she was raised from broken English in down south Atlanta.

"Yeah," he spoke looking up and down her thick body as she just stood there staring right back at him. He was in his late thirties and had owned The Devils Den for as long as he could remember but things were about to soon change for Delion and everyone else.

She wasn't a foe or a fan of her boss. She honestly didn't care for or against him. She just worked here, collecting her check every day, and that's it. Nothing more, and nothing less. "How you feel about picking up some extra days?"

She thought about it, and didn't waste time nodding her head. "Okay, what days?" She spoke.

"Tuesday and Wednesday," he spoke. She already worked Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. "Okay," she spoke about to walk out. "Hold up."

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