The Final doll( introduction)

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She was that needed good dream on a late Saturday morning, the sunlight that persisted to shine through the supposed 'black out' curtains.
But, as soon that sunlight crept through the dreamers now awake eyelashes reality could be perceived as quickly as bacon could be burnt on a faulty stove. She was also every blondes competition in high school the one that your first girlfriend loathed and the date that always stood you up.
Both realities however were as fake as the nails that still remained on the girl who was brilliantly mutilated into nothing more than a well behaved barbie ,pitched up on a stationary swing set, exclusive with cigarette burns and greatly deserved bruises.

The doll was Mason's best masterpiece yet, it not brilliantly thought out or even executed to his normal undiagnosed ocd standards but she still made his collection marvellous because of her unexpected context. She was most definitely not like the rest. Her corpse even came with more challenges than the others but he looked past that because she was his final doll to the collection, she had to be.

Ever since Mason Crossrow had laid his callous eyes on the 17 year old he knew it was meant to be, and he did everything in his path to convince her and even himself of that. It started off seamlessly, after their first encounter at the local coffee shop he was smart, he first waited outside every mall for her, then walked down her favourite foot path daily, then it became messy. Next it was time for him to move into a house closer to hers but still it wasn't enough; she was his nicotine, crack and coffee all in one and Mason simply knew he couldn't live without a dose of her. Finally he was employed at her school, a friend to her family, her rock that she thought never thought she needs . Then at least he stole the biggest honour of all, he was her last sight, her last taste every last sense and thought belonged to him.
This is the story of how Mason completed his collection hope you enjoy.

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